Friday, June 25, 2010

Superstars 6/24/10

Superstars opens with JTG facing Caylen Croft. Croft looks to take control early, but JTG catches him with a chop block and follows up with a leg drop bulldog. JTG hits a flapjack. Croft goes to the corner, but JTG hits a series of shots. Croft sends JTG into the other corner, but JTG kicks him off and climbs the ropes. Barreta distracts JTG from ringside and Croft knocks him off the ropes and out of the ring. The referee is distracted by Croft and Barreta kicks JTG. Croft rolls JTG back into the ring and gets a 2 count. He chokes JTG on the ropes. Croft locks in a cravat style headlock. JTG fights back and hits a unique spinning neckbreaker. He follows up with his rolling shoulder block, a clothesline and a dropkick. JTG hits the Mug Shot out of the corner and hits a baseball slide on Barreta. JTG slingshots across Croft’s back to reenter the ring. He hits the Shout Out and covers for the 3 count.

Move of the Match: I’m not sure whether to give this to the Shout Out, or the spinning neckbreaker. Both were impressive moves and were fun to watch.

Up next is Luke Gallows taking on Chris Masters. Masters shows strength to start the match, but gets caught with an uppercut from Gallows. Gallows hits a series of shots. He misses an attack in the corner and Masters starts to work on his left arm. Gallows fights back and hits a scoop slam. He goes for the elbow drop, but Masters moves. Masters hits a vertical suplex and Gallows rolls out of the ring. Back from break, Masters signals for the Master Lock, but Gallows is able to prevent it by dropping to his knees and sending Masters out of the ring. Gallows knocks Masters off the apron and goes after him on the outside. He sends Masters into the barricade and brings him back into the ring. Gallows hits a running splash to Masters’ back and covers for 2. Gallows locks in a reverse chinlock on Masters. Masters tries to pick Gallows up, but can’t support him and Gallows lands on top of Masters for a 2 count. Gallows hits a snap suplex for another 2 count. He locks in a surfboard hold. Masters fights back and hits a few chops to Gallows. He follows up with a running shoulder block and hits a pair of clotheslines. Masters comes off the top with a diving shoulder block for a 2 count. Gallows fights back with a big boot to Masters for a 2 count. Gallows tries to lock in the Gallows Pole, but Masters fights it off. Masters goes behind Gallows and tries to lock in the Master Lock, but Gallows backs him into the corner. Masters fights back and goes up top. Serena distracts Masters and Gallows hits a big kick. Gallows is able to lock in the Gallows Pole with Masters sitting on the top rope. Gallows lifts him up and plants him with the Twelfth Step for the 3 count.

Move of the Match: There were a number of good moves in this match, but I’m going to have to give this to the Gallows Pole into the Twelfth Step.

They play a package of Tuesday’s NXT.

Up next is Jillian taking on Brie Bella. Brie gets control early on with an arm hold. Jillian fights off the hammerlock with a leg trip. Brie fights back and they brawl. Brie looks for what looks like a head scissors takedown attempt out of the corner, but Jillian slams her to the mat. Jillian chokes Brie on the ropes and hits a kick. Jillian drops Brie with a snapmare and kicks her in the back. Jillian gets a 2 count and locks in an arm hold. Jillian hits a scoop slam and goes for the cartwheel elbow drop, but Brie gets her knees up. Brie hits a pair of dropkicks and a clothesline. She follows up with a bulldog for a 2 count. Jillian sends Brie into the corner, but Brie fights out. Brie goes for a victory roll, but Jillian counters by sitting down and gets a 2 count. Brie goes for a monkey flip out of the corner, but Jillian tosses her out over the top rope. Nikki goes down next to Brie on the floor. The referee goes out and stands them both up. He says they’re not going to do this to him. He sees Brie is sweating and tells her to get back in the ring. Jillian comes out and clotheslines Brie. She brings Brie back into the ring. Jillian attacks Brie in the corner. The referee backs Jillian off and Nikki rolls into the ring while Brie rolls out. Jillian goes after Nikki and Nikki rolls up Jillian for the 3 count.

Move of the Match: Brie’s bulldog early on was vicious and I’m going to give it the title.

They replay the attack by the NXT Rookies on McMahon from this weeks RAW.

The Main Event for Superstars is R-Truth taking on William Regal. Truth and Regal fight early. Regal gets an arm lock, but Truth fights back. Truth hits a spinning head scissors takedown. He follows with an arm drag and a dropkick, but Truth seems to have hurt his knee. Regal takes advantage to target the knee. Regal locks in a leg lock, but Truth starts to fight him off. Regal locks in a modified single leg crab. Truth reaches the ropes and Regal releases the hold. Regal continues the attack, but Truth fights back and hits a standing monkey flip. Regal fights back and gets Truth’s leg hung up in the ropes. Regal continues the attack on Truth’s leg. Truth fights back with a pair of slaps to the head. Truth fights back with a series of strikes and hits a snap DDT for a 2 count. Truth goes for an attack, but gets caught and Regal hits a T-Bone Suplex. Regal charges at Truth, but Truth suddenly hits the Lie Detector and gets the 3 count.

Move of the Match: I liked Regal’s unique modified single leg crab, but this has to go to the Lie Detector.

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