Superstars opens with Gail Kim taking on Jillian. Jillian slams Gail to the mat and tries to go for the handspring leg drop, but Gail moves. Gail slams Jillian to the mat, and hits her with an arm drag when she gets back up. Gail sends Jillian into the corner. Jillian gets up to the top rope, but Gail follows her up and hits a super huracanrana. Gail goes for what looks like a huracanrana, but Jillian catches her and drops her with an electric chair. Jillian drops Gail with a scoop slam and after a couple of punches covers for 2. Jillian goes for a surfboard hold. Gail manages to fight out of the hold, but Jillian fights back and hits her with a Samoan Drop. Jillian pulls Gail’s hair releasing at 4. Jillian whips Gail hard into the corner and covers for 2. Jillian goes to a sleeper variation on Gail. Gail tries to fight back and Jillian slams her to the mat again. Jillian goes for another Samoan Drop, but Gail maintains her hold on the ropes and when Jillian turns to pull her off, she catches Jillian with a head scissors takedown. Gail starts to build momentum with clotheslines. She hits a big clothesline in the corner. She charges into the corner again, and when Jillian moves, she catches Jillian with a springboard crossbody, but Jillian rolls through for a 2 count. Jillian sets up Gail in the corner and hits a handspring into a hip splash. Jillian charges in again, but Gail moves and Jillian goes into the turnbuckle. Jillian comes out of the corner and Gail catches her with Eat Defeat and covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: There were a number of good moves in this match, but this has to go to Eat Defeat from Gail.
Up next is Primo vs. Zack Ryder. Ryder takes control of Primo’s arm, but Primo kicks him off, catches him with a pair of arm drags, and takes control of Ryder’s arm. A series of counter by Primo result in him nailing Ryder with a dropkick. Primo catches him with another arm drag and goes back to arm control. Ryder gets up and goes after Primo, but Primo tosses him out of the ring. Primo goes after Ryder and catches him with a body press on the outside. Primo covers for 2. Ryder is set up in the corner and Primo goes after him with shoulder block and punches. The referee backs up Primo and Ryder fights back dropping Primo on the ropes and kicking him to the outside. Back from break, Ryder is in control of Primo with leg scissors. They show that during the break, Ryder slammed Primo hard into the ring apron. Primo fights back and gets a 2 count off a jackknife cover. Ryder catches Primo with a flapjack and covers for a 2 count. Ryder dropkicks Primo to the outside. Ryder slams Primo into the apron again. Ryder brings him back into the ring and covers for another 2 count. Ryder locks Primo into a grounded abdominal stretch and nails him with some punches to wear him down. Primo starts to fight back, but Ryder sends him hard into the turnbuckle. Ryder goes for a leg drop, but Primo rolls out of the way. Primo fights back and rolls Ryder up for a 2 count. Primo follows up with a backslide and small package but only gets 2 for each. Primo hits Ryder with a spinning back elbow and follows up with a Russian legsweep. Primo hits a series of kicks and a leg drop, and covers for 2. Primo tries to fight out of the corner, but Rosa provides the distraction and Ryder pulls Primo off the ropes. Ryder hits Primo with the Zack Attack and covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: Another match that had a number of good moves, but this has to go to the Zack Attack.
Up next is The Hart Dynasty taking on The Dudebusters. Barreta and Kidd start out. Barreta and Kidd trade arm control with a series of reversals. Barreta brings Kidd over to his corner and tags in Croft. Croft chokes Kidd in the corner and tags Barreta back in. Side headlock takedown and Beretta takes control. Kidd shoots Barreta off, but gets caught with a shoulder block. The pick up the pace and Kidd ends a series of reversals with a spinning back kick, and follows up with a running dropkick. Kidd gets a 2 count on Barreta and tags in Smith. Barreta makes it to his corner and tags in Croft. Croft runs into a shoulder block from Smith. Smith hits a scoop slam followed by a leg drop. Smith targets Crofts arm and uses a keylock takeover to get a 2 count. Smith shoots Croft off and Croft catches him with a kick. Smith counters another attack with a snap powerslam, but breaks the cover to chase off Barreta. Smith is distracted by Barreta and Croft attacks him from behind, sending him out of the ring. Barreta nails Smith with an attack on the outside. Back from break, Barreta is in control of Smith with a side headlock in the middle of the ring. Smith fights back, but Barreta takes Kidd off the apron so Smith will have no one to tag. Smith catches Barreta with a big back body drop and Kidd jumps back on the apron so Smith can make the tag. Kidd comes in with a springboard dropkick. He nails Barreta with an inverted atomic drop and follows up with a spinning kick. Kidd performs a pumphandle gutbuster for a 2 count. Kidd and Baretta fight on the ring apron. Croft distracts Kidd and Barreta drops him on the apron with a DDT. Barreta tags in Croft who brings Kidd back into the ring and covers for 2. Croft focuses on the head and neck of Kidd with a necklock. Croft tags Barreta back in. Barreta drives Kidds head into the turnbuckle with a knee and follows up with a back suplex. Barreta hits a back elbow in the cover and tags Croft back in. Croft hits a dropkick and gets a 2 count. Kidd fights back with an arm drag, but Croft hits him again. Croft hits a scoop slam and tags Barreta. Barreta springs in and kicks Kidd. Barreta hits a series of knees to Kidd in the corner. Barreta goes after Kidd, but Kidd sends him into the turnbuckle. Smith and Croft are tagged in. Smith goes after Croft with a series of shots and a standing belly to belly throw. Croft fights back with a jawbreaker, but Smith catches him and performs the Stalling vertical suplex and covers for a 2 count. Smith clotheslines Croft in the corner and sets up for a powerslam, but Barreta pulls Croft off Smith’s shoulder and out to the floor. The referee is distracted by Smith and Natalya interjects herself with a slap to Barreta. Smith and Kidd hit the back body drop senton onto the Dudebusters on the outside. Kidd sends Croft into the ring and they hit the Springboard Hart Attack. Kidd covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: Lots of good and interesting moves. I really liked Kidd’s pumphandle gutbuster, and the DDT on the apron was viscious, but this has to go to the Springboard Hart Attack.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
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