Impact opens with Hogan and Bischoff in a limo talking about the situations in TNA.
In the Impact Zone, Ric Flair’s music plays. Jay Lethal comes out dressed in a suit and wearing Flair’s Hall of Fame Ring. Lethal is now acting like Ric Flair instead of Randy Savage. After a few “Woos,” Lethal says that Hogan told him to wait till the end of the show, but he said, “Big man, I can’t wait.” The music hits again, and the real Ric Flair comes out. Flair gets mad about Lethal acting like him. Lethal offers Flair his ring back. He says he meant no disrespect, he just wanted to be like Flair for a few minutes. Flair slaps Lethal. Flair slaps Lethal again and Lethal slaps him back. They trade knife edge chops and Lethal hits Flair with a back body drop. Lethal puts Flair in the Figure Four Leg Lock. Beer Money, Styles and Wolfe come out and attack Lethal. Abyss comes out to try to even the odds, but the numbers game catches up to him too. Team 3D hits the ring and evens the odds. Team Flair is still able to take control, but Rob Van Dam comes out with a chair and Team Flair flees the ring.
Hogan gets a message about what happened in the Impact Zone and tells the driver to turn around.
Back in the Impact Zone, RVD tells Flair’s team that if they want a fight, they should get out to the ring. They come out and the guys in the ring and the guys on the outside brawl. Brother Ray looks to suplex Flair on the ramp, but Roode saves him. Hogan suddenly shows up. He drops Roode, Wolfe, Storm and Styles with punches. Flair chops Hogan, but Hogan no sells. Hogan goes after Flair and tosses him out of the ring. Back from break, Hogan addresses Team Flair. He makes Desmond Wolfe vs. Rob Van Dam for the title tonight, AJ Styles vs. Abyss in a Monster’s Ball match, and he adds Team 3D to Beer Money’s match with the Motor City Machine Guns to make it a triple threat.
Brian Kendrick and Douglas Williams are in the ring. Williams contains about being stripped of the title. Williams complains about being in a tag match with Kendrick as his partner. Williams says that if Kazarian wants to be the real champ, he has to beat Williams at Sacrifice. Shannon Moore and Jesse Neal come out, and they’ve apparently named themselves Ink Inc. Williams and Neal start out. Neal gets control early, but Williams takes him down. Springboard crossbody from Neal gains him a 2 count. Williams hits Neal with a gutwrench suplex and tags in Kendrick. Kendrick kicks Neal and nails him with a series of shots. Kendrick tags Williams back in. Williams hits a scoop slam and a series of knee drops, and then covers for a 2 count. Neal begins to fight back, but Williams catches a kick in the corner and targets Neal’s leg. Neal avoids the knee strike and Williams runs into the corner. Williams tags in Kendrick. Neal fights off Kendrick and tags in Moore. Moore catches Kendrick with a crossbody and follows up with a shot to Williams. Moore hits a dropkick and follows up with the big inverted atomic drop. A spinning kick earns Moore a 2 count. Kendrick rolls Moore up for 2. He looks for the tag, but Williams isn’t there. Moore hits the Mooregasm off the second rope and tags in Neal. Neal hits Kendrick with a Spear and covers for the win.
Move of the Match: Some impressive moves, and the Spear was nice, but Moore’s Mooregasm looked wicked tonight.
Kendrick gets up and blames Williams for the loss. He chases after Williams. Samoa Joe comes out. He clotheslines Williams and follows up with a thrust kick to Kendrick. Joe brings Kendrick into the ring. He hits a knee in the corner and follows up with a Muscle Buster. Joe gets a microphone. He goes to speak, but instead drops the mic and leaves.
JB is in the back with Flair, but Flair says he’s not in the mood. He tells AJ to beat Abyss. He tells Beer Money to prove they’re the best. Flair tells Wolfe that RVD will tear him up if he’s not ready. He tells everyone to make it happen or he will find replacements.
Hogan talks about how he thought coming to TNA would be easy, but he never expected Sting to turn on TNA. He says he’s going to get in Sting’s face and demand an explanation.
Backstage, Anderson is attacking the Pope. Anderson sandwiches him repeatedly between two equipment boxes. Anderson takes and puts on Pope’s sunglasses. Anderson comes out to the Impact Zone. Anderson says the Pope will not be out tonight. Jeff Hardy comes out. Hardy says that the Congregation and the “Creatures of the Night” are one in the same. Hardy says the Pope won’t be able to compete at Sacrifice, and because of that Hardy is going to challenge Anderson to a match at Sacrifice. Anderson says he has something going on that night, so he can’t do it. Anderson goes to walk out. He comes back and tries to hit Hardy, but Hardy avoids the attack and nails Anderson with the Twist of Fate. He strips Anderson to his underwear and then asks him again. Hardy accepts on Anderson’s behalf and leaves.
Taylor Wilde, Sarita and Tara are competing against the Beautiful People with all the titles on the line. Tara and Wilde fight over who’s going to start. Tara and Lacey start out. Tara hits a snap suplex and locks in a guillotine hold. Lacey hits a jumping spinning back kick to Tara and Tara tags in Sarita. Lacey tags in Velvet. Velvet hits Sarita from behind, but Sarita fights out of the corner. Sarita hits Velvet with a flapjack and covers for a 2 count. Sarita tags in Wilde. Aided standing moonsault on Velvet. Tara distracts Wilde and Velvet fights back and tags in Madison. Madison goes for a clothesline, but gets caught with a German Suplex. Wilde goes to tag Sarita, but Tara steals the tag. Sarita tags herself in on Tara and Tara knocks her off the apron. Wilde and Tara argue. Tara attacks Wilde and they fight on the outside. Lacey and Velvet hit a double DDT on Sarita and Madison covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: The double DDT was sick, but this has to go to the aided moonsault move from Wilde and Sarita.
In the back, Tara says that the only time she gets respect is when she has the championship around her waist, so she’s challenging Madison to a title match at Sacrifice. Tara says she’s willing to put her career on the line.
Beer Money Inc. vs. The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Team 3D. Sabin and Roode start out. A series of counters ends when Sabin hits Roode with a spinning kick. Roode fights back and tags in Storm. Shelley makes the blind tag and catches Storm with an inverted atomic drop. Sabin takes out Storms knees. Shelley locks in the inverted STF and Sabin hits the low dropkick to the face. Shelley covers for a 2 count. Shelley and Storm trade control and Devon tags in. Devon goes right after Storm and gets him set up in the corner. Series of shots and the referee breaks it up. Ray sets up his boot and Devon sends Storm into it. The referee is distracted and Roode takes a shot at Devon from the outside. Storm hits Devon with a double knee facebuster. Roode comes in and Storm goes out. Roode takes shots at the Guns. Roode tags Storm back in. They hit the Beer Money Suplex. Storm covers for 2, but Shelley breaks it up. Storm tags Roode in. They go for a clothesline in the corner, but Devon avoids Storm and takes out Roode. Devon tags in Ray who takes on both members of Beer Money. He hits Storm with a big boot and a big back body drops to Roode. Ray hits Storm with a series of strikes and drops Roode with a scoop slam. They set up and Devon hits the Whassup? Headbutt. Hall and Nash hit the ring and attack Team 3D causing the referee to rule the match a disqualification.
Move of the Match: This either goes to the Whassup? Headbutt, or the Guns inverted STF low dropkick combo.
The Band attack 3D. EY comes out to the ring. EY turns on 3D with his kendo stick and aligns himself with the Band. The Guns finally decide to get involved. Shelley tosses EY out of the ring. He grabs Hall and they hit the Missile Dropkick/Complete Shot move on Hall. Nash grabs Shelley for the Jackknife, but Sabin uses Shelley to launch himself up for a kick. The Guns hit a double superkick on Nash. Beer Money comes back in. Roode hits Sabin with a spinebuster and they hit the DWI on Shelley.
Now it’s time for the O-Zone with host Orlando Jordan. Jordan says that in the O-Zone anything and everything can and will happen. Jordan introduces his guest, Rob Terry. He reveals a cardboard cutout of Terry. Jordan asks the cutout what kind of fantasies a freak has and says he fantasizes about Jordan. Terry comes out and tears up the cutout. He says “Don’t make me come back” and turns to leave. Jordan jumps him from behind with a chain and wraps the chain around his neck. Jordan picks up a vase from the O-Zone set and slams it onto Terry.
Up next is AJ Styles taking on Abyss in a Monster’s Ball match. AJ starts out the match by going for the Springboard Forearm onto the ramp, but Abyss catches him. He fights out and charges at Abyss but Abyss counters with a belly to belly throw into the ring. Abyss sets up a chair in the corner. AJ tries to hit Abyss with a chair, but Abyss catches him with a big boot. Abyss grabs a crutch, but Abyss dropkicks it out of hit hand. AJ avoids a chair shot and hits the Pelé kick. AJ follows up by dropkicking Abyss into the corner. AJ continues the attack on Abyss. He charges at Abyss, but Abyss presses him into the air and drops him. Abyss tries to charge into AJ in the corner, but AJ moves. AJ tries to float over Abyss in the opposite corner, but Abyss doesn’t follow him in. Abyss sends AJ into a chair in the corner and follows up with the Shock Treatment. Abyss covers, but only gets a 2 count. Abyss grabs a bag from under the ring. He pours out the tacks in the middle of the ring. Flair comes out to the ring with Chelsea. Abyss tries to help Chelsea and AJ hits him with the chair. AJ goes after Abyss, but Abyss sends him out to the ramp. AJ gets a pair of metal knuckles and nails Abyss with a low blow. AJ performs a springboard crossbody sending Abyss into the tacks. AJ covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: This has to go to the springboard crossbody into the tacks.
The main event is Desmond Wolfe challenging RVD for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Wolfe attacks RVD before the match can start. He brings RVD back into the ring and chokes him in the corner. Wolfe hits the running forearm strike in the corner. Wolfe tries to get RVD up on the ropes, but RVD fights back. Wolfe avoids the somersault monkey flip and drops RVD. Wolfe manages to hit the Hammerlock DDT, but only gets the 2 count. Wolfe goes for another running shot in the corner, but RVD moves and when Wolfe turns around, RVD hits him with a side kick off the top rope. RVD hits Rolling Thunder. He goes up top, but Wolfe gets up and hits the top rope. Wolfe tries for the Tower of London, but RVD fights back. Wolfe tries to go for the Tower of London to the outside, but RVD comes off the top rope and pushes him. RVD hits a springboard back kick and follows up by back body dropping Wolfe back into the ring. RVD hits the 5 Star Frog Splash and covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: There were good moves from both men in the match. They packed a lot of action into a relatively short match. This has to go to the 5 Star Frog Splash.
After the match, AJ comes in with a flying forearm to RVD. He nails RVD with shots and says he’ll be using his rematch clause at Sacrifice.
Backstage, Jeff Jarrett is down and when Hogan asks him who did it, he says it was Sting.
Hogan comes out to the ring. Hogan says it’s time to find out what’s real and calls out Sting. Sting comes out to the ring. He tells Hogan that what makes him tick is TNA. Sting talks about Hogan always having been protected. Hogan addresses Sting leaving Jarrett down in the back. Sting says Hogan has always been one of the best chess players and tells Hogan it’s his move. Jarrett comes into the ring and picks up Sting’s bat. He hits Sting twice, but Hogan stops him. Jarrett argues with Hogan as Impact goes off the air.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
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