Thursday, April 29, 2010

NXT 4/27/10

Tonight’s show begins with the “Seal the Deal” Challenge. Striker says that the Rookies will be selling merchandise and whoever has the largest amount of cash at the end of the challenge will win the challenge and earn a match next week against a pro of their choice.
Skip Sheffield is up first and he sells $60 worth of merchandise.

The first match for NXT is Christian and Heath Slater taking on Chris Jericho and Wade Barrett. Jericho and Slater start out in the ring, but Jericho tags in Barrett. Slater goes after Barrett and tags in Christian. Christian catches Barrett with a missile dropkick and takes a shot to Jericho. Barrett nails Christian with a big boot. Barrett tags in Jericho. Jericho nails Christian with a series of shots and follows up with a back suplex. Christian tries to fight out of the corner, but Jericho keeps backing him up. Jericho goes for the bulldog out of the corner, but Christian counter with an inverted DDT. Slater is tagged in and catches Jericho with a series of forearm shots. Slater gets a neckbreaker on Jericho, but Barrett breaks up the count. Christian takes down Barrett with a crossbody in the ring and follows up with a second crossbody to the outside. Slater counters the Walls of Jericho with a roll up, but only gets a 2 count. Jericho catches Slater with the Codebreaker and covers to win.

Move of the match: This has to go to the Codebreaker.

Daniel Bryan is up next in the “Seal the Deal” Challenge, but he decides to just give the programs away. Daniel Bryan earns $0.

In the back, Carlito tells Tarver that when someone gives him an opportunity he should take it and that he needs to pay attention to the little things.

Justin Gabriel is up next in the night’s challenge. He sells quite a few programs, but it’s unclear how much money he made.

Up next, Michael Tarver is taking on Darren Young. Tarver takes control early, but when he whips Young into the corner, but referee keeps backing him up. Unique variation on the scoop slam earns Tarver a 2 count. He continues the attack and gets a grounded abdominal stretch type move on Young. Young starts to fight back. He catches Tarver with a discus forearm and follows up with a dropkick. A flying shoulderblock earns Young a 2 count. Tarver fights back in the corner, but Young regains control with a counter to a diving axe handle. Tarver rolls out of the ring and regains control when Young follows. Tarver uses the ropes to attack Young’s arm. The referee is distracted and Gallows clips Tarver on the apron. Young catches Tarver and hits his full nelson flapjack. Young covers for the 3 count.

Move of the Match: The full nelson flapjack.

After the match, however, Gallows wants to keep his (and Serena’s) distance from Young.

Up next is David Otunga. Striker tells us Justin Gabriel sold $210 worth of merchandise. Otunga says celebrities don’t do manual labor and grabs a couple of people to help him sell programs. Otunga collects the money and tells the people who to give the programs to. Striker says they will tabulate Otunga’s total.

They show R-Truth giving Otunga some advice on how to counter a sunset flip. R-Truth tells Otunga it’s the survival of the fittest and if Otunga can’t run with the big dogs, he should stay on the porch.

Striker announces that Heath Slater will have to sell over $315 (Otunga’s amount) to take the lead. Striker says that based on how much Slater sold, he didn’t sell enough to beat Otunga’s amount.

Darren Young asks if the fans want to see CM Punk vs. Darren Young next week. He starts selling some of the programs. Young gets done, but Striker announces that he didn’t beat Otunga’s amount.

Now Michael Tarver is up to sell. Tarver drops the bag and walks out saying that WWE should be selling him, not him selling programs.

Wade Barrett is out to sell. Wade Barrett says that he doesn’t think he has anything to prove, so he’s taking the money Striker gave him for change and is leaving.

Otunga says he’ll face R-Truth next week.

Miz comes out. He has a big bruise from Big Show’s punch last night. Miz gets the microphone and says that he will not be competing against Skip Sheffield tonight. Miz puts Daniel Bryan in the match in his place. Bryan hits a series of kicks in the corner. He catches Sheffield with a dropkick into the corner and after a series of shots, locks Sheffield into a leg lock. Sheffield reaches the ropes, but Bryan goes back to the kicks. Sheffield shoves Bryan off and nails him with a powerful clothesline. Sheffield picks up Bryan and nails him with a Backpack Stunner. Sheffield covers to win the match.

Move of the Match: The Backpack Stunner. That was an amazingly brutal move.

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