Sacrifice opens with the #1 Contender Match for the TNA Tag Team Championship.
My Prediction: Team 3D picks up the win.
Alex Shelley and Robert Roode start out in the ring. Roode goes for a full nelson, but Shelley fights out so he goes to a chinlock. Series of reversals from both and Roode takes down Shelley with a shoulderblock. Roode prevents a hip toss and another series of reversals ends with Shelley taking down Roode with a head scissors takedown. Shelley hits the wheelbarrow bulldog and covers for 2. Roode counters another attack with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Roode brings Shelley to his corner and tags in James Storm. Storm gives Shelley a shot and takes a shot at Chris Sabin. Shelley starts to fight back and goes for a superkick, but Storm slides out of the ring. Sabin catches Storm with a kick on the outside. Sabin and Shelley hit the double team with the low dropkick, followed by the inverted STF dropkick to the face on Roode. Storm is back in and Shelley is targeting Storm’s arm and hand. Sabin is tagged in. He tries to continue the attack, but Storm nails him with a poke to the eyes. Storm hits Sabin with a knee to the face, but Brother Ray tags himself in on Storm. Ray goes after Sabin. Sabin starts to fight back and hits kicks to Ray, but Ray nails him with a back heel trip. Ray misses an elbow drop, but catches Sabin with a back elbow and follows up with a boot to the face. Ray tags in Devon and they hit a sideslam/jumping leg drop combo on Sabin. Devon covers for 2, but Shelley breaks it up. Sabin avoids Devon, takes a shot at Ray and follows up with a spinning kick to Devon. Sabin tries to spring out onto Ray, but Ray moves out of the way and Sabin hits the floor. Ray rolls Sabin back into the ring and Devon attacks him in the corner. Devon hits a scoop slam and another jumping leg drop, but Roode breaks it up. Devon tags Ray back in and Ray slaps Sabin on the chest. Ray takes out Roode and Storm on the apron. He hits a scoop slam and goes for a diving senton, but Sabin moves. Sabin tags in Shelley. Shelley hits both Ray and Devon with a series of forearms. He nails Devon with an elbow and Ray with a spin kick and goes up top. Shelley comes off the top, but 3D catches him. Sabin comes off the top with a missile dropkick to take down 3D. Double back elbows to Devon in the corner and the Guns avoid an attack sending Ray into Devon. Tag Team on Ray in the corner and the guns follow up with Sabin hitting a suicide dive on Storm on the outside. Shelley hangs Ray up on the top rope and goes for a diving foot stomp, but Ray moves. Roode comes in and takes out Shelley with a clothesline. Roode stomps on Shelley and hits a series of chops in the corner. Roode drops Shelley with a backbreaker and tags in Storm. Beer Money Suplex and Roode prevents the tag. Neckbreaker out of the corner from storm and he covers for 2. Storm tags in Roode. Side slam from Roode, elbow drop from Storm, and Roode covers for 2 after a knee drop. Shelley fights back, but gets hit with a back elbow. Roode tags Storm back in. Shelley fights back again, but gets caught with a throat thrust. Storm misses an attack in the corner and Shelley nails him with a kick. Shelley goes for his corner, but Roode tags in and stops Shelley. Roode goes for a back suplex, but Shelley escapes and tags in Sabin. Sabin comes in with a forearm to Roode and follows up with a shot to Storm. Sabin hits a diving huracanrana out of the corner and follows up with an outside crossbody to Storm. Sabin hits Roode with a springboard DDT and covers, but Devon breaks up the count. Shelley comes in and goes after Devon. All 3 teams get into the match up and Ray eliminates both of the Guns. Doomday Device from 3D to Roode. Sabin comes in with a springboard crossbody on Ray and covers for 2. Ray sends Sabin out of the ring. 3D sets up for the 3D, but Storm comes in and spits beer in Ray’s face. Roode hits the Spinebuster on Ray, but gets caught with a superkick/enzuigiri combo from the guns in the corner. The Guns hit the crossbody/neckbreaker combo on Ray and Sabin covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: 3D hit some impressive moves, but this has to go to the crossbody/neckbreaker from the Guns to Ray.
0 for 1
Up next is the Global Championship Match.
My Prediction: Rob Terry wins, but it will probably be a tough fight and expect some cheap shots from Jordan during the match.
Orlando Jordan attacks Terry immediately. Terry backs him into the corner and nails him with a series of shoulders. Terry tosses Jordan across the ring. Clothesline in the corner, and Terry follows up with a clothesline off the ropes. Terry hits a series of shots and follows up with a big back body drop. Terry hits a splash in the corner and a side slam. Terry covers for 2. Jordan hits Terry with a kick to the face, but Terry follows up with a spin kick. Terry clotheslines Jordan out onto the ramp, but Jordan lands on his feet. Jordan starts crawling up the ramp. Terry pulls Jordan back into the ring and hits the Powerslam, but he only gets a 2 count. Jordan fights back targeting Terry’s knee. Jordan hits a kick to Terry’s knee and stretches it out. Jordan continues the attack on the knee and wraps it around the ring post. Jordan goes to a leg lock. He goes for another, but Terry kicks him off. Jordan keeps on the attack to Terry’s knee. Jordan hits a knee drop and covers for a 2 count. Jordan hits an elbow to the back of the head and climbs the ropes. He goes for a diving knee drop, but Terry moves. Jordan tries to pick up Terry, but Terry comes out of nowhere with the thrusting spinebuster (now called the Freakbuster) and covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: The Freakbuster was powerful, and Jordan’s moves were great, but I’m giving this to Terry’s spin kick from early on.
1 for 2
After the match, Jordan clips Terry from behind. Jordan sets the title on the ramp and slams Terry’s injured knee onto the belt.
In the back, 3D and Ink Inc talk. Devon wishes them luck and Ray warns them that the Band may try to take things out on Jesse for what 3D did to Syxx-Pac. Shannon Moore says the Book of Dilligaf says Ink Inc will be the new champions. Neal says they’ll take care of things for 3D and Ink Inc leave. Ray gets mad that Neal said he would take care of things for 3D because 3D trained Neal.
X Division Championship Match
My Prediction: Either Kaz picks up the win, or Williams cheats his way to victory. (Just a note, this means if Williams wins in any way other than a clean victory I will still be right.)
Kazarian and Williams lock up. Kaz backs Williams into the corner. Williams gets control with a series of technical moves. Kaz fights back with a leg headlock. Williams fights out and gets back to his feet. They locks up again and Williams drops Kaz. Series of reversals and holds. Williams takes Kaz down with a snapmare and covers after a shoulder block for a 1 count. Williams goes back to the European headlock. Kaz leapfrogs over Williams and follows up with an arm drag. Kaz turns his attention to Williams’ arm. Williams tries to fight back and Kaz gets him with a headscissors takedown, but Williams wraps his feet around the ropes and the referee separates them. Kaz catches Williams with another arm drag. Kaz controls the arm and drops a leg drop onto the arm. Williams fights back and drops Kaz to the mat. The two trade control and holds. Williams reaches the ropes again and the referee breaks the hold. Kaz goes for another armlock and Williams goes out to the apron. Kaz kicks Williams’ arm and follows up by hanging his arm up on the top rope. Kaz tries to slingshot out and Williams slides in. Kaz comes off the apron with a slingshot into a rollup. After a 2 count, Kaz catches Williams with another arm drag and locks in the arm lock. Kaz covers Williams, but Williams bridges out. Williams gets up to his feet and pushes Kaz to the mat, but Kaz gets his shoulder up. Williams gets Kaz in a modified Japanese Stranglehold. He grounds Kaz and maintains the hold. Williams drops down onto his back so Kaz is on his knees, but Kaz rolls through and reverses the hold on Williams. Williams gets the rope break. Kaz sets Williams up on the top rope and goes after him, but Williams fights back and pushes Kaz off to the outside where Kaz bounces head first off the ramp. Kaz gets back up, but Williams drops him across the ropes with a hangman’s neckbreaker. Williams slams Kaz face first into the apron. Kaz fights back hanging Williams over the ropes with a front suplex and follows up with a dropkick sending Williams out of the ring. Kaz comes out with a slingshot cross body to the outside. Williams rolls back into the ring and Kaz comes in with a springboard dropkick on Williams. Kaz hits a flaying forearm, clothesline and spin kick on Williams. Williams goes for a clothesline out of the corner, but Kaz avoids and nails Williams with a neckbreaker and covers for a 2 count. Williams fights back and goes for Chaos Theory, but Kaz counter with a victory roll for a 2 count. Kaz gets a backslide for another 2 count. Williams sends Kaz out to the apron, but Kaz comes back in with a springboard DDT for a 2 count. Williams hits head butts and a short arm clothesline on Kaz. Williams hits a high knee in the corner and taunts going up top, but decides not to. Kaz tries to go for his piledriver, but Williams rolls through. Kaz sits down on Williams for a 2 count. Kaz hits Williams with a springboard back elbow and goes for the piledriver again, but Williams counters and powerbombs him into the corner. Williams picks up Kaz and drops Kaz headfirst across his knee, but only gets a 2 count. Williams goes for Chaos Theory, but Kaz fights out again. Kaz hits the Wave of the Future, but Williams kicks out at 2. Kaz goes for his back piledriver again, but Williams fights back and Kaz drops him with the back body drop. Kaz goes for Back to the Future, but Williams fights back and this time hits Chaos Theory for the 3 count and the win.
Move of the Match: Lots of good moves, Kaz had some amazing moves, but this has to go to Chaos Theory.
1 for 3
Chelsea and Desmond Wolfe are talking in the back. Wolfe tells Chelsea that nothing has changed. Chelsea wants to know what happens if Abyss wins. Desmond says this isn’t about him, it’s about them. He tells her that she is his and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
The TNA Knockouts Championship is up next.
My Prediction: Madison Rayne retains and Tara leaves TNA.
Madison tells the Beautiful People to go to the back and Tara jumps Madison from behind. Tara goes for the Widow’s Peak early, but Madison blocks her with a back body drop and follows up with a knee to the face. Madison goes after Tara, but Tara fights her off. Tara rolls out of the ring and Madison stomps on her hand. Madison comes out to the apron, but Tara clips her leg. Tara sends Madison into the ring post. Tara brings Madison back into the ring and covers for 2. Tara charges into the corner, but Madison counters with a roll up for 2. Series of pin attempts and the two keep countering each others attempts. Madison nails Tara with a vicious clothesline. Tara fights back and backs Madison into the corner. She hits a series of shoulders and follows up with a toss. Tara hits her snap suplex and floats over into a guillotine choke. Madison fights back and manages to fight Tara off. Madison nails Tara with a series of shots. Forearm shots set up a running kick to Tara’s head. Madison sets up for something, but Tara fights back and drops Madison with a clothesline. Tara goes for the Widow’s Peak, but Madison fights out. She grabs Madison again and hits the Widow’s Peak. Madison rolls out of the ring and Tara has to follow her out. Tara brings Madison back in and drops her with a scoop slam. Tara climbs up top and hits a moonsault for a 2 count. Tara stomps on Madison and goes up for a second moonsault, but Tara moves. Madison hits Tara with an Inverted Overdrive move and covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: The Widow’s Peak was impressive, but I’ve got to give this to Madison’s Inverted Overdrive.
2 for 4
Christy Hemme is in the back with the Band. EY calls the roster wannabe’s and pretenders. He says that when Pac went down, he called Nash and Nash agreed to let him join them. Nash says the Band will defend the titles under The Freebird Rule, so on any given night, you don’t know which 2 you will face. Nash says that Ink Inc. has a great future, but tonight is not their night.
The TNA Tag Team Championship Match is next.
My Prediction: The Band picks up the win. Look for some interference from Eric Young to help the Band become victorious.
Hall and Moore start out. Hall opens up with a poke to the eyes, but Moore follows up with a slap. Hall takes control with the power attack to Moore’s arm. Hall paintbrushes Moore, but Moore fights back and gets a 2 count off a roll up. Hall backs Moore into the corner and hits him with a clothesline. Moore fights out of the other corner and drops Hall with a missile dropkick. Moore backs Hall into the corner and nails him with a forearm. Hall shoots Moore into the corner and Moore drops him with a spin kick. Hall tags in Nash who signals he wants Neal. Moore tags in Neal and Nash goes after him with a knee to the midsection. Knees in the corner and Nash follows up with a back elbow, but Neal fights out and nails Nash with a shot and a headbutt. Nash fights back and chokes Neal in the corner. The referee is distracted by backing up Nash and Hall nails Neal with a clothesline from the apron. Nash covers for a 2 count. Hall goes to the abdominal stretch. He gets help from Nash in adding leverage. The referee notices and makes Nash let go. Neal follows up by dropping Hall with a hip toss. Neal goes for an elbow drop, but Hall moves and tags in Nash. Nash backs Neal into the corner and hits him. Neal tags in Moore. Moore rolls in across Nash’s back and dropkicks Hall as he comes into the ring. Moore turns his attention back to Nash. Moore comes off the top with a cross body and tags Neal back in. Moore hits the Mooregasm, but Nash avoids the spear and the referee gets taken down. Neal continues the attack on Nash with a series of forearms. EY comes out with a kendo stick. He tosses the Kendo Stick to Nash, but Neal avoids it. Neal takes out EY. Nash hits Moore with the stick, but turns around just in time to get dropped with a spear form Neal. Neal grabs the Kendo Stick, but EY prevents him from using it. Brother Ray comes out and takes down EY. He picks up the Kendo Stick and nails EY with it. Ray comes into the ring and yells at Nash. Neal tries to calm Ray, but Ray nails Neal with the Kendo Stick. EY comes into the ring and puts Nash on top of Neal. The referee sees Nash has the cover and makes the 3 count.
Move of the Match: This has to go either to the Mooregasm or Neal’s vicious Spear.
3 for 5
Desmond Wolfe vs. Abyss is up next
My Prediction: Odds are we’ll have some interference on behalf of Wolfe, but I still see Abyss finding a way to pick up the win in this match.
Abyss attacks Wolfe before he can get in the ring. Abyss hits a series of strikes on Wolfe, while Chelsea tries to make her way to the back. Abyss slams Wolfe’s head into the ring steps. Wolfe tries to fight back and Abyss sends him into the ring. The match officially starts and Wolfe tries to shoot Abyss off, but Abyss overpowers him. Wolfe tries to hit Abyss with a cross body, but just bounces off of Abyss’ chest. Wolfe hits Abyss, but runs into a clothesline. Abyss teases the chokeslam, but Chelsea distracts him and Wolfe pushes Abyss out of the ring. Wolfe goes after Abyss and sends him shoulder first into the ring post. Wolfe rolls Abyss back into the ring and turns the attention to the arm. Abyss overpowers Wolfe, but Wolfe fights back. Wolfe continues the attack on the arm. He gets Abyss in a modified armbar. Wolfe hits a series of forearm shots, but then runs into a shoulder block. Wolfe returns to the attack on Abyss’ arm. Abyss fights back and tries for the chokeslam, but Wolfe fights out. Abyss hits Wolfe with the big boot and a clothesline in the corner. Big side slam earns Abyss a 2 count. Wolfe goes back to the arm and follows up with a snap DDT for a 2 count. Wolfe hits the cross chop to the throat and tries to set up Abyss on the ropes. Wolfe hits his European uppercut in the corner. Shoulder blocks from Wolfe and he sets up for the pendulum lariat, but Abyss catches him and chokeslams him. Chelsea goes after Abyss and he grabs her, but the referee backs him up. Wolfe nails Abyss with brass knuckles. The referee comes back in, but Abyss kicks out at 2. Wolfe kicks Abyss, but Abyss no sells. Abyss is “Hulking up.” Punches from Abyss and he hits a powerful Black Hole Slam on Wolfe and covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: This has to go to what was one of the most destructive Black Hole Slams I’ve ever heard.
4 for 6
Abyss tells Chelsea he’ll see her on Thursday.
Christy is in the back with Mr. Anderson. Anderson says he could be one of the “Creatures of the Night,” but he’s an ***hole. Anderson says he has followers who he likes to call Anderson’s ***holes.
Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson is up next.
My Prediction: Anderson finds a way to pick up the win (probably through questionable means) continuing the feud.
They lock up and Hardy pushes Anderson off. They lock up again and Anderson gets backed into the corner. Anderson backs Hardy into the corner and hits a pair of kicks. Hardy fights back with a spinebuster type takedown and hits a series of punches. Anderson shoots Hardy off and dodges the cross body causing Hardy to fly out of the ring. Anderson slams Hardy into the ring apron and brings him back into the ring. Hardy starts to fight back in the ring. He nails Anderson with a clothesline in the corner. Series of shots in another corner and Hardy goes for the corner dropkick, but Anderson answers with a kick. Anderson targets Hardy’s ribs with a pair of knee drops and covers for 2. Anderson backs Hardy into the corner and kicks him again. Anderson nails Hardy with a series of shots in the corner. He picks up Hardy and locks in an abdominal stretch with Hardy on his knees. Hardy fights back, but gets caught with a knee to the midsection and Anderson covers for a 2 count. Anderson goes for and attack off the 2nd rope, but Hardy gets his feet up. Anderson lands on his feet and moves Hardy’s feet then follows up with a standing elbow drop and covers for another 2 count. Anderson continues the attack on Hardy’s midsection. Anderson locks in a standing abdominal stretch on Hardy. Hardy fights out, but Anderson nails him with a shot. Anderson sends Hardy into the corner, and Hardy tries to float over, but Anderson catches him and crotches him on the ropes. Anderson goes after Hardy, but Hardy sends Anderson onto the ramp with a back body drop. Hardy goes under the ring and brings a chair into play. He sets it up and brings Anderson back into the ring with a Poetry in Motion type move. Hardy covers, but only gets a 2 count. Hardy and Anderson trade blows. Hardy nails Anderson with a pair of clotheslines and a sleeperslam. Hardy covers, but only gets a 2 count. Clothesline in the corner and Hardy follows up with the bulldog. Hardy goes for the Gourdbuster, but Anderson blocks it and hits the standing plunge and covers for a 2 count. Anderson goes for the Mic Check, but Hardy fights out. Hardy charges Anderson, but Anderson drops him across the ropes with a drop toe hold. Anderson hits the Mic Check, but Hardy grabs the ring ropes. Anderson pulls him away from the ropes and covers again, but Hardy kicks out after 2. Anderson picks Hardy up, but gets caught with the mule kick. Hardy hits the Gourdbuster and goes up top. Anderson starts to get up and Hardy drops back to the mat. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate. He goes up top again, but this time, Anderson gets up. Anderson goes after Hardy. He tries to hit the Plunge off the top, but Hardy fights back and they fall with Anderson going face first to the mat with Hardy on his back. Hardy goes up top and hits a Swanton to Anderson’s back. Hardy covers for the win.
Move of the Match: This has to go to the Swanton. There were a lot of good moves, but the Swanton takes the title.
4 for 7
Post match, Anderson gets up and looks like he’s about to hit Hardy, but then offers Hardy a handshake. Hardy walks out without shaking Anderson’s hand.
Christy is in the back with Flair and Styles. She asks Flair and he says he’s sure AJ can win. AJ says these are dark times for TNA. He says RVD has no business representing this company. AJ says tonight he will prove RVD’s win was a fluke.
Sting takes on Jeff Jarrett next.
My Prediction: Jarrett finds a way to pick up the win.
Jeff Jarrett’s music hits, but he doesn’t come out. We see Sting in the back attacking Jarrett and Jarrett is bleeding. Sting slams Jeff Jarrett into a locker and drops him across a metal box. He hits Jarrett with his bat and wraps Jarrett’s arm around the bat and tries to pull Jarrett’s shoulder out of the socket. Sting brings Jarrett out to the Impact Zone. Sting brings Jarrett down and slams him into the guardrail. Sting pulls out the steel ring steps and drops Jarrett onto them. Sting sets up Jarrett’s shoulder on the steps and stomps the bat onto it. Sting drags Jarrett and rolls him into the ring. Sting hits the Scorpion Death Drop and covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: Since the only move that occurred once the match started was the Scorpion Death Drop, this goes to that.
4 for 8
After the match they put Jarrett on a stretcher, but Sting comes in and pushes him off the stretcher as they try to wheel him out. Hogan comes out and security separates him and Sting. Hogan checks on Jarrett and makes sure they get him to the back safely.
Christy is in the back with Rob Van Dam. RVD says he is Mr. TNA and he will continue to be the champion following his match with AJ Styles.
AJ Styles challenges RVD for the TNA Championship next.
My Prediction: RVD picks up the win to extend his title reign.
RVD and AJ trade kick attempts and both avoid the other’s attack. AJ backs RVD into the corner by pulling his hair, but the referee backs him off and tells him not to pull the hair. AJ starts trash talking RVD, but RVD responds with the RVD taunt and when AJ tries to cheap shot him, he dodges it and sends AJ out of the ring with a clothesline. AJ pulls RVD’s legs and pulls him out of the ring. They trades slaps and punches on the outside. AJ tries to slam RVD into the ramp, but RVD stops him. AJ jumps up on the ramp and goes for his moonsault DDT, but RVD moves. RVD nails AJ with the moonsault attack off the ramp. AJ slingshots into the ring, but RVD moves. RVD goes for Rolling Thunder, but Flair grabs him by the leg. Referee Earl Hebner ejects Flair from ringside. Hebner stands up to Flair and even knocks him down when Flair tries to assert himself. AJ yells at Hebner, but Hebner tells him he is the referee. AJ catches RVD with a clothesline on the outside. Flair goes up to the announce table and complains about being objected from ringside. AJ knocks RVD off the apron and flies out on top of him. AJ brings RVD back into the ring. He hits a scoop slam and follows up with a knee drop. RVD gets up and nails AJ with a back kick to the face. AJ reverses an attack, and RVD goes up to the top, but AJ pushes him off into the guardrail. AJ brings RVD back into the ring and covers for a 2 count. AJ goes to a grounded chin lock with a knee to RVD’s back. AJ and RVD trade chops and forearms. RVD fights back, but runs into a boot in the corner and AJ hits a tornado DDT. AJ covers for a 2 count. AJ hits RVD with a kick to the back after a snapmare. He follows up with a kick to the head and chokes RVD on the ring ropes. RVD fights back, but AJ nails him with a vicious low drop kick. AJ goes back to the chin lock on RVD. RVD fights out again, but AJ brings him to the corner. RVD prevents AJ from sending him into the turnbuckle, AJ dodges a kick, and RVD hits a springboard thrust kick out of the corner on AJ. RVD nails AJ with a series of shots a pair of clotheslines and a thrust kick. RVD goes for the spin kick in the corner, but AJ moves and nails RVD with a pair of chops. RVD fights out and sends AJ into the corner. RVD hits the somersault monkey flip. RVD goes up top, but AJ avoids the Frog Splash. AJ hits the springboard forearm for a 2 count. AJ rolls up RVD for another 2 count. RVD hits a jawbreaker on AJ. AJ hits the PelĂ© kick and gets another 2 count. AJ goes for the flying forearm in the corner, but RVD moves. RVD hits AJ with a Northern Light’s Suplex and bridges for a 2 count. AJ rolls up RVD for another 2 count. RVD hits an inverted atomic drop and sets up AJ on the top rope. AJ hits the jumping thrust kick off the top knocking AJ off the ropes. RVD goes for Rolling Thunder, but AJ gets his knees up and covers RVD for a 2 count. Styles picks RVD up in the Torture Rack and spins it out into a powerbomb for a 2 count. AJ looks like he’s going to go for the Figure Four, but RVD kicks him off. RVD gets up, but AJ catches him in the corner with a flying forearm. AJ sets up for the Styles Clash, but RVD picks him up. AJ rolls through but only gets a 2 count. Series of pin attempts and both men are back on their feet. Double clothesline results in both men going down. AJ and RVD trade blows and AJ blocks a kick from RVD, but RVD counters and rolls him up with a unique cover for a 2 count. AJ goes for the Figure Four, but RVD rolls him up for another 2 count. RVD sends AJ out to the apron, but AJ slingshots in and nails RVD with the springboard reverse DDT. AJ goes for the Superman Splash, but RVD rolls out of the way. Flair goes to return to ringside, but Jay Lethal comes out. Flair chops Lethal twice, but when he goes to pick Lethal up again, Lethal nails him with a low blow. Lethal catches Flair with a chop and sets up Flair in the Figure Four Leg Lock on the ramp. Back in the ring, RVD is up on the top and AJ knocks him down. AJ goes for a superplex, but RVD fights back and hangs up AJ on the top rope. RVD goes back up top and hits the 5 Star Frog Splash. RVD covers for the 3 count and on the outside, Lethal breaks the hold on Flair.
Move of the Match: This goes to the 5 Star Frog Splash with an honorable mention to the Superman Splash. I should also note that Lethal putting Flair in the Figure Four on the outside was pretty awesome.
5 for 9
Monday, May 17, 2010
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