Wednesday, May 26, 2010

NXT 5/25/10

NXT begins with the Pros coming to the stage and the Rookies coming down to the ring. Striker asks the Rookies the question they were asked last night on RAW, “Who should go home and why?”
Wade Barrett: It could be Justin Gabriel because he’s not man enough, David Otunga because he reminds Barrett of the Benny Hill Show when he steps in the ring, but Barrett says it’ll be the “Ginger Ninja” Heath Slater because Barrett cannot stand his hair.
Justin Gabriel: If you asked him the same question 3 times, he’d probably give you 3 answers, but tonight he’s going to say, David Otunga because he says Otunga doesn’t know what he’s doing in the ring.
David Otunga: Not worried about Barrett because he’s just here for the money and that makes him boring. He says Slater irritates “the mess” out of him. But he’s going to say Justin Gabriel because he’s a “Glorified gymnast,” but if you put the mic in his hand, “He’s a deer in the headlights.”
Heath Slater: Wade Barrett because he doesn’t understand “how that mug is still on television with a nose as crooked as the road.”

The first match tonight is David Otunga and R-Truth teaming up against Christian and Heath Slater. Slater and Truth start off. Truth gets control early with a rear takedown. Slater fights back and they trade holds. Slater hits Truth with a shoulder block, but after a series of moves gets caught with the hip toss. Truth follows up with an arm drag and goes to an arm lock. Truth brings Slater to his corner and tags in Otunga. Otunga continues to work on the arm. He sends Slater into the corner, but Slater floats over and Otunga hits the turnbuckle. Slater follows up with an arm drag and goes to an arm lock of his own. Slater tags in Christian who continues to work on Otunga’s arm. Otunga fights out of the hammerlock, but gets caught with a big right hand from Christian. Christian follows up with a dropkick and gets a 1 count. Otunga tags Truth back in and Christian rolls him up for a 1 count. Christian creates distance and gets caught with the corkscrew heel kick. Truth covers for 2 and then tags in Otunga. Otunga drops Christian with a back elbow and gets a 2 count. Otunga gets Christian in a chinlock. Christian fights out, but runs into a shoulder block. Otunga goes back to the chinlock. Christian fights out, but Otunga sends him into the corner. Christian hits the diving elbow out of the corner and tags in Slater. Slater sends Otunga into the corner and follows up with a dropkick. He covers for 2. Otunga starts to fight back, but gets caught with a vicious neckbreaker. Slater only gets a 2 count as Otunga gets his foot on the ropes. Slater goes after Otunga, but Otunga throws him through the ropes. Slater fights back and goes up top. He hits a crossbody, but Otunga rolls through and gets the 3 count.

Move of the Match: I’m going to give this to the neckbreaker from Slater earlier in the match.

Michael Cole is in the ring. He calls out Daniel Bryan and threatens to sue him if he doesn’t apologize. Daniel Bryan comes out. He says there’s no need for security because he’s going to apologize. Cole sends security to ringside. Bryan says he’s sorry. He and Cole shake hands and Bryan says he’s sorry that Cole is the worst announcer in WWE History. Cole calls Security back in. Bryan talks about Cole hiding behind people and calls the Miz the worst Pro. Bryan says Cole never earned the job. Cole says he ripped on Bryan because Bryan didn’t deserve it. Cole says Bryan is out because he did not have what it took to be there. Cole calls Bryan a loser and says losers have no heart. He slaps Bryan and then leaves the ring while security holds Bryan back. Bryan escapes security and goes after Cole. Security pulls him back again and leads him up the ramp. Bryan backs up the ramp and Miz confronts him telling him he doesn’t deserve to be here and Bryan attacks Miz. Security separates them and leads Bryan out of the arena.

Back from break, Matt Striker has joined Josh Matthews at the announce table. Striker says that Bryan clearly has heart, but he’s always been taught you should respect those who come before you and leaves it up to the fans to decide who was right.

Up next is Wade Barrett taking on Justin Gabriel. Gabriel goes behind Barrett, but Barrett fights out. Barrett goes for a hip toss, but Gabriel lands on his feet and follows up with a pair of kicks. He goes for the spin kick, but Barrett ducks and tosses Gabriel into the air, then lets him fall to the mat. Barrett sends Gabriel hard into the turnbuckles and covers for 2. Barrett hits a front suplex and follows with a kick. Barrett drops Gabriel with a big boot and gets another 2 count. Barrett hits a series of punches and locks in a grounded abdominal stretch on Gabriel. Barrett fights back with a kick to the head and avoids the charge in the corner. Gabriel hits a series of kicks. He goes to shoot off Barrett and Barrett shoots him off instead, but Gabriel rolls over Barrett’s back and drops him with the spin kick. Gabriel follows up with a rolling elbow. He hits a running crossbody into the corner and follows up with a springboard crossbody for a 2 count. Barrett hits his unique springboard backbreaker and gets a 2 count. Barrett sets up Gabriel on the top rope. Gabriel fights back and hits a sunset flip powerbomb off the top. Gabriel follows up with the 450 Splash and picks up the win.

Move of the Match: This has to go to the 450 Splash.

The Pros are told to convene. Back from break, it’s time to reveal the results of the Pro’s Poll.
1. Wade Barrett
2. David Otunga
Justin Gabriel is 3rd and Heath Slater is 4th which means Slater is going home. Striker asks some of the pros their thoughts on why Slater was eliminated.
Christian: Can’t exactly place his finger on it, but there was something some of the pros didn’t like. He thinks Slater still has a good future.
Miz: Slater never showed the “WOW.” You have to bring it full throttle and sometimes Slater was good, but sometimes he was off.
R-Truth: Slater worked hard, but in the WWE it’s survival of the fittest.
Chris Jericho: Jericho says that Wade Barrett will win NXT, so Slater would’ve been eliminated eventually. Jericho tells Barrett he needs to act like the best if he wants to be the best.
Striker gives Slater the mic. Slater says he’s done far too much to be going anywhere. He was the first rookie to beat a pro and the first rookie to win a challenge. He points out that it took Kane to end his undefeated streak. He reminds Jericho that Jericho was beaten by Slater. Slater says the Pros may have pulled the plug, but they should get ready for the encore because he will blow their mind.

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