Superstars opens with JTG taking on Cody Rhodes. Rhodes gets control early, but JTG fights out of the side headlock. Rhodes backs JTG into the corner and tries to shoot him off, but JTG maintains a side headlock on Rhodes. JTG takes Rhodes down. Rhodes JTG goes to build momentum off the ropes and Rhodes drops to the mat, but JTG follows and locks in a headlock. Rhodes fights back with a knee, but JTG regains control with a back elbow. Rhodes blocks an attack from JTG and sends him into the corner. He stomps JTG into the corner until the referee stops him. JTG fights back and sends Rhodes into the corner and hits a series of blows. JTG tries to shoot Rhodes off, but Rhodes counters. JTG floats over in the corner, but gets caught with a kick. Rhodes hits some shots and drops JTG with a front suplex. Rhodes goes for another suplex move, but JTG rolls him up for 2. JTG gets a backslide for another 2 count. Rhodes tosses JTG out of the ring, but JTG lands on his feet and slides back in behind Rhodes. He turns Rhodes around and hits a double leg takedown. JTG hits a series of punches and shoots Rhodes off. Rhodes counters and hits JTG with a dropkick then covers for 1. Rhodes climbs up in the corner and hits a diving elbow to the back of JTG’s head. He stomps on JTG’s hand, but JTG fights back with a punch. Rhodes goes to a front chancery on JTG. JTG fights out, but Rhodes slams him to the ground and locks in a side headlock. Rhodes covers again for a 1 count. JTG fights back and sends Rhodes into the corner. He counters an attack and sets Rhodes up on the apron. JTG follows up by dropkicking Rhodes off the apron and into the barricade. Back from break and JTG is in the ring in control of Rhodes. Rhodes tries to fight back, but gets caught with a clothesline. JTG follows up with a modified neckbreaker on Rhodes. JTG sends Rhodes out to the apron again, but this time Rhodes fights back and hangs JTG’s arm up on the top rope. Rhodes turns his attention to JTG’s arm. He stomps on the arm. JTG tries to fight back with a big slap, but Rhodes answers with a big kick. Rhodes goes to an arm lock on JTG and follows up with a knee drop to the arm. He covers for 2 and then chokes JTG on the ropes. Rhodes hits a series of punches and the jumping knee drop for another 2 count. Rhodes continues the attack on the arm while JTG tries to fight back. JTG backs Rhodes into the corner and ducks a clothesline. He hits a pair of punches and catches Rhodes with a back elbow out of the corner. JTG hits his flipping shoulder block and catches Rhodes with a dropkick. JTG hits the Mug Shot and gets a 2 count. He goes after Rhodes in the corner and Rhodes tries to get his feet up, but JTG slides under them and trips Rhodes. JTG comes out of the corner with the leg lariat for another 2 count. Rhodes counters a suplex and rolls up JTG for a 2 count. JTG hits a swinging neckbreaker on Rhodes for a 2 count. Rhodes fights back and sends JTG into the ring post. Rhodes hits his springing kick out of the corner and follows up with Cross Rhodes for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: There were a lot of great moves. Cross Rhodes always looks vicious, but I’m going to give this to JTG’s unique swinging neckbreaker on Rhodes.
Up next is Yoshi Tatsu taking on Primo. Primo gets arm control to start, but Yoshi fights back and Primo breaks the hold by reaching the ropes. Primo offers the handshake, and when Yoshi goes to accept it, Primo hits him with a clothesline. Primo hits a series of shots to Yoshi. Primo hits a series of strikes on Yoshi in the corner. Primo hits a dropkick to Yoshi and covers for a 2 count. Primo hits a snapmare and a kick to the back. He chokes Yoshi on the ropes. Yoshi fights back, but Primo hits him hard and gets a 1 count. Primo locks in a camel clutch, but Yoshi fights out. Yoshi goes for a sunset flip, but Primo rolls through and answers with a dropkick. Primo covers for 2 and goes to a chinlock. Yoshi fights back and hits a kick. Primo comes off the ropes and hits a back elbow. He follows up with a leg drop and covers for 2. Primo headbutts Yoshi and goes back to the camel clutch. Yoshi fights back and sends Primo into the corner, but Primo gets his feet up and drops Yoshi. Primo goes for a fist drop, but Yoshi counters by getting his feet up. Yoshi fights back with a series of kicks. He hits the double knees in the corner and the rolling snapmare followed by the kick for the 2 count. Shining Wizard type move earns Yoshi another 2 count. Yoshi goes up top. Primo catches him and goes for a superplex, but Yoshi fights him off. Yoshi hits the Spinning Heel Kick off the top and covers for the 3 count and the win.
Move of the Match: There were a number of great moves in this match, but I’m going to give this to the Spinning Heel Kick off the top.
Tonight’s main event is Zack Ryder vs. Evan Bourne. Bourne gets an armlock and follows up with a side headlock takedown. Ryder rolls Bourne onto his shoulders for a 1 count. Ryder hits a knee to Bourne, but Bourne follows up with a series of kicks. Bourne sends Ryder out of the ring and signals that he’s going to fly, but Ryder trips him and catches him with a clothesline when he gets back to his feet. Ryder sends Bourne into the turnbuckle and chokes him on the ropes. He hits strikes to Bourne and tries to shoot him off, but Bourne fights back with a drop toe hold and nails Ryder with a dropkick to the head. Bourne gets a 2 count and follows up with another kick. Bourne goes to a half crab, but Ryder gets the ropes. Bourne goes after Ryder, but Ryder fights back and answers with a flapjack. Ryder locks in a modified headlock. He shoots Bourne off, but Bourne answers with the running huracanrana. Bourne hits a dropkick and the spinning back kick. He goes up top, but Ryder pulls him off the ropes. Ryder hits a running face wash that sends Bourne right out of the ring. Back from break, Ryder has Bourne in a headlock. Bourne fights back by rolling up Ryder for a 2 count. Ryder picks up Bourne and hangs him up on the ropes. Ryder gets a 2 count and afterward hits a neckbreaker for another 2 count. Ryder goes to another headlock. Bourne fights back and hits a sunset flip for 2. Ryder hits Bourne with a double axe handle to the head. Ryder hits a snapmare and a dropkick to the back of Bourne’s head and gets a 2 count. He goes back to the headlock. Ryder comes off the top, but gets caught with a spinning heel kick from Bourne. Bourne continues with the kicks to Ryder. Bourne hits the running knee in the corner and goes up top. Ryder gets up and Bourne goes for the double knees, but Ryder avoids them. Ryder catches Bourne with a kick and hits the Rough Ryder for a 2 count. Ryder goes for the Zack Attack, but Bourne catches him with a knee. Bourne goes up top and tries for Air Bourne, but Ryder moves. Ryder hits the Zack Attack and covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: Another Match with a number of great moves. Evan Bourne impressed as always, but I’m going to give this to the Zack Attack.
Friday, May 28, 2010
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