RAW opens with Bret Hart coming out to the ring. Bret says he was at home when he heard Miz say his championship match would be against Bret. Bret says he’s given it a lot of thought, but he doesn’t want to wrestle tonight. Jericho comes out. Jericho tells Bret he has become the ultimate hypocrite and that he is a phony. Bret says Jericho is the phony. Jericho says he’s better than Bret ever was. Jericho says Bret doesn’t matter. He says the only person who matters in the locker room is Chris Jericho. Jericho says the Hart name means nothing anymore. Bret says Jericho should tell Miz to get his boots on because he has a match tonight. Jericho says that if Bret has any guts, he’ll make the match No-DQ. Bret says he doesn’t think he’d want it any other way. Bret says tonight he will have the United States Championship and Sunday the Hart Dynasty will continue to be the Unified Tag Team Champions.
Edge and Orton have matches tonight with each selecting the other’s opponent. Edge is out first. Edge starts saying that Orton won’t RKO him, but Edge is interrupted by Christian’s music. Christian is Edge’s opponent. Christian and Edge face off with Christian backing Edge into the corner. They lock up again and Christian gets a takedown and then lets Edge get up. Edge gets an arm lock on Christian and follows up with a side headlock. After a leapfrog and a duck, Christian catches Edge with a forearm and covers for 1. Edge slaps Christian. Christian chases Edge out of the ring and around ringside. Edge strikes Christian as he gets into the ring. Christian quickly recovers and hits a pair of punches to Edge. Ride on and Christian goes for the punch, but Edge punches him first. Edge goes after Christian on the outside, but Christian slides back into the ring and catches Edge with a dropkick. Christian follows up with his slingshot crossbody to the outside. Christian charges after Edge, but Edge moves and Christian runs into the barrier. Christian just barely gets back into the ring before a count out. Edge targets Christian’s arm. He continues to try to do damage to Christian’s arm. Edge gets Christian in an armbar. Christian tries to fight back, but Edge stops him. Christian finally fights back and goes for his inverted DDT, but Edge counters and backs Christian into the corner. Edge takes his time going back after Christian and Christian moves and attempts the pendulum kick on Edge in the corner, but Edge blocks it and stomps him to the mat. Edge gets a 2 count. Edge goes back to the attack on Christian’s arm, but Christian fights back with some vicious slaps. Christian goes up top, but Edge stops him. Edge tries to go for a superplex, but Christian fights back and hits the Tornado DDT for a 2 count. Christian takes Edge down with a forearm, but Edge catches him with a back elbow in the corner. Christian fights back with a flapjack and follows up with the Missile Dropkick for another 2 count. Christian and Edge counter each other and Christian sets Edge up on the ropes and this time connects with the punch. Christian hangs Edge up on the top rope and goes for the diving headbutt, but Edge moves. Edge hits Edgecution and gets a 2 count. Edge attempts a kick on Christian, but Christian avoids it and rolls Edge up for a 2 count. Edge sends Christian into the ropes and sets up for the Spear, but runs into a kick. Christian hits the springboard sunset flip for a 2 count. Edge slams Christian down on his arm and goes for the Spear again, but Christian again moves and hits the pendulum kick in the corner. Christian hits a flying elbow and sets up for the Killswitch. Edge counters the Killswitch sending Christian into the ring post and follows up with a spear. Edge covers for a 3 count.
Move of the Match: There were a lot of great moves in this match. These two were a great pairing. This has to go to the Spear.
After the match, Orton informs Edge that Christian was not his pick for Pick Your Poison. The Gongs start playing and The Undertaker comes out. Edge goes out to the apron as soon as the bell rings. He tells the referee to count him out. Edge gets counted out and Taker wins. Christian grabs Edge from behinds and sends him back into the ring. Taker grabs Edge and Chokeslams him.
Maryse is in the back getting makeup. She mocks Eve and Eve comes up behind her and pours powder on her head. Maryse tries to fight, but Eve slams Maryse head first into the table repeatedly.
Buzz Aldrin is in the back with his wife. Vickie Guerrero comes in. Buzz tells Vickie that he checked with WWE Headquarters and they said she’s through. He tells her her replacement will be on RAW next week. Buzz calls in the Bellas and has them escort Vickie out.
Mark Henry comes out for a match. Batista jumps him with a 2 by 4 and nails him in the injured shoulder. Batista slams Henry into the ring post multiple times. Batista sends Henry into the ring steps. He gets into the ring, asks for a spotlight and poses.
Ted DiBiase comes out accompanied by Virgil. DiBiase is up against Yoshi Tatsu. DiBiase takes to Yoshi with a back takedown. Yoshi goes for an arm hold, but DiBiase backs him into the corner. Yoshi goes for a hip toss, but DiBiase blocks. Yoshi fights him and hits a hip toss, followed by a Japanese arm drag and a dropkick for a 2 count. Yoshi tries to float over DiBiase in the corner, but DiBiase catches him on his shoulders and drops him across his knee. DiBiase takes a shot at Yoshi and drops him across the ropes with a front suplex. DiBiase gets Yoshi in a rear chinlock, but Yoshi fights out. Yoshi comes out of the corner with a heel kick to DiBiase. Yoshi hits a series of kicks and the double knees in the corner. Yoshi hits the rolling snapmare and a kick for a 2 count. Yoshi goes for the Roundhouse Kick, but DiBiase ducks, catches Yoshi and hits Dream Street for the 3 count and the win.
Move of the Match: Both men had some impressive moves. This has to go to Dream Street however.
DiBiase gets a mic and announces that the Original Virgil is not ashamed to be the new Virgil. DiBiase says Virgil will be in his corner when he faces R-Truth at Over the Limit.
Miz is in the back when Josh Matthews tries to ask him a question. Miz takes the microphone away. Miz says he’s sure people are excited about Bret competing tonight, but he’s more excited. Miz says he’s going to publicly humiliate and embarrass Bret Hart. Miz says that tonight he will make Bret tap out with Bret’s own Sharpshooter.
The Miz vs. Bret Hart for the United States Championship. Bret goes after Miz, but Miz goes out to ringside. Miz gets a microphone and says he doesn’t trust Bret very much, so he paid a couple of guys to neutralize the Hart Dynasty. Vladimir Kozlov and William Regal come out. The Hart Dynasty comes out and attacks Kozlov and Regal. Jericho comes out and he and Miz hit the ring. Natalya comes out and joins Bret in the ring. Jericho tries to get Natalya to leave and she slaps him. Miz grabs her by the arm and Bret hits Miz. Jericho cheap shots Bret and mounts him, but Smith comes back out and clotheslines Jericho out of the ring. Miz knocks Smith out to the floor. Miz sets up the Sharpshooter on Hart, but just as he goes to lock it in, Tyson Kidd nails him with a missile dropkick. Smith comes back in and he and Kidd hit the Hart Attack on Miz. Bret locks in the Sharpshooter on Miz and Miz taps out. Bret Hart wins the United States Championship.
Move of the Match: The Sharpshooter is great, but this has to go to the Hart Attack from the Hart Dynasty to help Bret win.
Team LayCool and Maryse vs. The Bellas and Eve Torres. Eve and Maryse go at it immediately and LayCool and the Bellas have to separate them. Eve and Layla start out. Layla gets Eve in a side headlock, but Eve fights out. Layla fights back and gets a unique cover for 2. Eve fights back and hits a Samoan Drop variation for a 2 count of her own. Eve hits Layla with a neckbreaker and gets another 2 count. She brings Layla to her corner and Brie tags in. Brie hits the jumping snapmare. She shoots Layla off, but Layla answers with another unique cover. Brie is sent out to the apron and McCool kicks her off the apron. McCool slams Brie into the barrier and brings her back into the ring. McCool tags Layla back in. Layla slams her down and goes for a leg drop, but Brie moves. McCool gets tagged in and Brie tags in Nikki. McCool brings Nikki in with a hard slam. Nikki fights back with a pair of back elbows. She hits a clothesline and a pair of dropkicks. Nikki hits the standing monkey flip and follows with a low dropkick. Nikki hits a neck snap and gets a 2 count. She knocks Maryse and Layla off the apron and goes for a crossbody, but McCool moves. Marys tags herself in and hits the French Kiss. Maryse covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: This has to go to the French Kiss.
After the match, Maryse and Eve keep trying to fight with the referee and Brie Bella keeping them apart.
Josh talks about people criticizing Cena’s decisions over the past few weeks. Cena says a critic’s job is to criticize, but he wants to talk to those who stand beside him. He says he has a plan for Over the Limit and his match against Sheamus is to make sure Sheamus is not an obstacle at Over the Limit. He says he chose an I Quit Match because it will prove who is better.
Orton is out for his match. Swagger comes out to face Orton. Swagger gets a standard takedown and backs off. He locks up with Orton, but Orton gets control and takes Swagger down to the mat. Swagger backs Orton into the corner. Orton fights back and drops Swagger with his unique backbreaker. Orton Stomps leave Swagger reeling, but Swagger still manages to avoid the knee drop. Swagger comes off the ropes with a clothesline and covers for a 2 count. Orton fights out of a chin lock and hits a series of clotheslines. Orton looks for the scoop slam, but Swagger rolls out of the ring. On the outside, Swagger slams Orton head first into the announce table. Swagger is distracted by the fans chanting “RKO” and Orton kicks him and tries to drop him with the rope hung DDT, but Swagger gets into the ring and counters with a belly to belly slam. Swagger hits the slingshot splash twice and Orton rolls out of the ring. Swagger knocks Orton off the apron into the announce table. Swagger slams Orton into the ring apron and brings him into the ring. Swagger covers for a 2 count. Orton fights back against Swagger again, but Swagger catches him with another belly to belly throw. Swagger goes for the slingshot splash again, but Orton moves and kicks Swagger as he goes down. Orton hits a pair of clotheslines and the scoop slam. Swagger rolls out to the apron, but Orton picks him up and hits the rope hung DDT. Orton teases the RKO and Edge hits the ring. Orton goes after Edge. Edge shoots him off at Swagger, but Orton catches Swagger with the RKO. Edge hits Orton with the spear.
Move of the Match: As the RKO came after the match was officially over, this has to go to the rope hung DDT.
Buzz Aldrin comes out. Aldrin talks about how he loves being at RAW and how he loves Canada. He says Canada built the landing gear for the Apollo 11 aircraft. Zack Ryder and Alicia Fox come out and Ryder insults Canada and suggests that the moon landing was fake. Buzz says he punched the last person who suggested the moon landing was fake. Buzz makes Zack Ryder and Alicia Fox vs. Evan Bourne and Gail Kim right now. Ryder backs Bourne into the corner, but Bourne answers with a front dropkick. Ryder goes after Bourne, but Bourne hits a sunset flip for a 2 count. Ryder chokes Bourne on the ropes, but Bourne answers with kicks. Ryder goes for the Rough Ryder, but Bourne avoids it and rolls him up for 2. Bourn hits a flying kick for 2. Alicia comes in to break up the count, but Gail comes in and takes her down. Gail and Evan set up Ryder and Alicia in the corner and Gail hits a crossbody. Bourne nails Ryder with a running knee in the corner. Gail hits Alicia with a diving dropkick and gets a 2 count. Gail shoots Alicia off and Ryder catches her on the ropes, but Gail dropkicks Alicia into Ryder, knocking him off the apron. Gail ducks an attack from Alicia, but Ryder pulls on the ropes causing Gail’s momentum to send her outside. Alicia brings Gail back into the ring and covers for 2. She hits a Northern Light’s Suplex and bridges for 2. Gail hits a jawbreaker and Ryder tags himself in. Bourne nails Ryder with a kick, follows up with the running huracanrana and sets Ryder up in the corner with another kick. Ryder tries to fight out of the corner, but gets hit with a jumping knee. Bourne goes up top, but Alicia comes in and rolls Ryder out of the ring. Bourne jumps onto Ryder on the outside as Ryder stands up. Alicia goes after Gail, but Gail hits her with Eat Defeat and covers for the win.
Move of the Match: Eat Defeat was great, but this has to go to Bourne’s dive onto Ryder on the outside.
John Cena vs. Sheamus is tonight’s main event. They lock up and Sheamus backs Cena into the corner. Cena fights back and sends Sheamus into the corner. Cena nails Sheamus with a back elbow in the corner and throws him out of the ring. Cena slams Sheamus’ head into the ring steps. He continues the attack, but Sheamus reverses and sends Cena into the barrier. Cena nails Cena with a big knee to the head. Sheamus continues to attack Cena and hits a double axe handle to the back of the head for a 2 count. Sheamus goes for a suplex, but Cena blocks and he hits a suplex. Cena nails Sheamus and sends him shoulder first into the ring post. Sheamus falls to the outside and Cena waits to see if he gets up. Sheamus gets back in the ring and Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Sheamus fights out and hits the Irish Curse for a 2 count. Cena fights back and hits Sheamus with a side slam. Cena charges after Sheamus in the corner, but Sheamus counters with a back elbow. Sheamus knocks Cena off the apron with a knee to the head. Cena gets back up on the apron and Sheamus nails him with another knee. Cena gets back up, but this time avoids the knee and starts building momentum, but Sheamus counters a bulldog and baseball slides Cena out of the ring. Sheamus slams Cena’s head into the announce table and slides back into the ring. Sheamus drives another knee into Cena’s head and nails him with a giant chop on the apron. Sheamus tries to go for a powerslam, but Cena fights back. Cena hits the spin out powerbomb and the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Sheamus grabs the ropes. Cena sends Sheamus to the outside with the Attitude Adjustment, but turns around into a spinebuster from Batista causing the DQ.
Move of the Match: There were a number of good moves in this match. I’m going to give this to Sheamus’ Irish Curse from early on.
After the bell has rung, Batista hits 2 more spinebusters and locks in the submission hold that he used on Mark Henry last week. Batista yells at Cena to quit as RAW goes off the air.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
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