Superstars opens with Carlito taking on Primo. Primo takes control early and Carlito backs into the ropes. Primo gets a quick 2 count on Carlito. Carlito tries to send Primo out to the apron, but Primo remains vertical and catches Carlito with a head scissors takedown when he turns around. Primo follows up with a dropkick, but when he charges Carlito, Carlito answers with a kick to the abdomen. Carlito drops an elbow on Primo, but only gets a 2 count. Carlito locks in a chin lock on Primo. Primo starts to fight back and hits a springboard crossbody for a 2 count. He gets back up and Carlito hits him with a big kick. Carlito hesitates and Primo hits a series of punches and kicks. He sweeps Carlito’s legs and lands a leg drop. Primo hits a spinning back elbow followed by a forearm shot. He gets Carlito in the corner and hits a series of punches. Primo goes for a crossbody out of the corner, but Carlito moves. Carlito again hesitates and gets a microphone. He asks Primo if this is really what he wants. Carlito talks about how great he and Primo were. He offers Primo the opportunity to team up again. Carlito goes to leave, but Primo turns him around and offers him a handshake. They shake hands and hug. Then both of them walk out.
Move of the Match: This goes to Primo’s headscissors after he was hanging from the top rope.
Up next Chavo Guerrero is taking on Chris Masters. Chavo and Masters lock up. Masters goes for the Master Lock, but Chavo goes to the ropes. Chavo slides out and Masters goes after him. Chavo slides back into the ring, but Masters slides back in at the same time. Masters punches Chavo and Chavo rolls out of the ring. Masters picks up Chavo and tosses him through the ropes into the ring. Chavo fights back with a kick to Masters on the apron, and takes him off the apron with a standing dropkick. Chavo rolls Masters back into the ring and hits a slingshot senton. Chavo hits a series of strikes to Masters and goes to a chinlock chicken wing. Masters fights back and Chavo goes to an inverted side headlock. Masters manages to roll over, but Chavo locks in a rear headlock. Masters fights back again, but Chavo moves to a sleeper. Masters backs into the corner and regains control. He hits a series of strikes and a big back body drop. Chavo tries to fight back but gets caught with a backbreaker followed by a sidewalk slam. Masters signals for the Master Lock, but Chavo fights out. Chavo hits a jumping DDT for a 2 count. Chavo goes for the 3 Amigos, but Masters counters the 2nd and locks in the Master Lock. The referee calls for the bell and this match is over.
Move of the Match: Lots of good moves, including some impressive mat wrestling from Chavo, but this has to go to the Master Lock.
In the back, Michelle and Layla mock Kelly Kelly calling her Smelly Kelly. Vickie comes in and sprays Kelly with hair spray. Kelly calls her a cow and they try to rub deodorant in her face, but Beth Phoenix and Tiffany come in and Team LayCool and Vickie leave.
Beth Phoenix vs. Rosa Mendes. Rosa says that Beth’s days as Champion are numbered. Rosa slaps Beth. Beth sets Rosa up on the top rope and kicks her. Beth hits a series of strikes. Rosa tries to send Beth into the corner, but Beth floats over. Series of strikes in the corner. Rosa avoids Beth in the corner and starts to fight back. Rosa goes after Beth, but Beth rolls her up for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: There weren’t too many moves, but the kick after setting Rosa up on the top rope was quite vicious.
After the match, Beth limps off with the help of 2 officials.
The main event for Superstars is JTG taking on Shad in an Extreme Rules Rematch. Shad goes after JTG immediately, but JTG uses his speed to fight back. JTG hits the leg lariat and covers, but only gets a 1 count. Shad fights back with a knee lift. He goes for a big boot, but JTG moves and Shad gets caught up on the ropes. JTG hits a dropkick to Shad sending him over the ropes and out to the floor. JTG vaults out onto Shad on the outside. Back from break, Shad in now in control of JTG. JTG is hung up on the ropes and Shad goes out to the apron and hits him with a big boot. Shad hits an attack to JTG’s back. He locks in a unique move (almost like a reverse abdominal stretch.) JTG fights back, but Shad slams him down to the mat. Shad kicks JTG in the back and follows up with a sliding lariat. Shad covers, but JTG kicks out. JTG fights back again, but when he creates distance, Shad catches him and locks in a standard abdominal stretch. JTG tries to fight back and Shad releases the hold, and then strikes him. He performs a hip drop to JTG’s back and goes back to the abdominal stretch. Shad grabs the ropes. The referee starts counting, but JTG hits a hip toss on Shad. Shad goes after JTG, but JTG counters and rolls Shad up for 2. Shad fights back, but JTG catches him with an uppercut and follows up with his rolling shoulder blocks. JTG floats over in the corner and hits a dropkick to Shad’s back. JTG hits the Mug Shot and covers for 2. Shad rolls out of the ring. JTG goes after him and slams him head first across the apron. JTG rolls him back into the ring, but Shad fights back. Shad goes for the hip drop to the back again, but JTG rolls over so that Shad’s groin connects with JTG’s knee. JTG goes for the Shout Out, but Shad catches the ring ropes and holds on. Shad hits JTG with Thugnificent and covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: Lots of good moves, and I like Shad’s use of submission holds, but this has to go to the vicious STO Shad calls Thugnificient.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
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