Extreme Rules is set to begin with Triple H taking on Sheamus in a Street Fight. Triple H’s music starts but he doesn’t come out. We see Sheamus in the back attacking Triple H. Triple H tries to fight back, but Sheamus nails him with the pipe. Sheamus then hits him again before they’re able to back him up. The referees and Teddy Long call in a trainer to check on Triple H’s condition.
ShoMiz comes out to the ring. Miz announces that on RAW, Bret Hart will declare that ShoMiz is the greatest tag team in WWE History. Miz says they have a lack of competition and says he is begging for some competition. Teddy Long comes out and says ShoMiz will face a team of his choosing and if they win, they will earn a Tag Team Championship match. Miz runs his mouth and Long adds another team. Miz keeps talking and Long makes it 3 teams. Miz keeps talking and Long threatens to make it 4, but Big Show covers Miz’s mouth.
ShoMiz in a gauntlet match. Winners get a shot at the Unified Tag Team Championships. The first team is John Morrison and R-Truth. Morrison and Miz start out. Morrison rolls up Miz. Miz fights back. Morrison turns hit attention to Miz’s arm and tags in R-Truth. They hit a double hip toss and both men kip up. They follow up with R-Truth hitting a leg drop as Morrison hits the Shooting Star Splash. R-Truth covers, but only gets 2. Miz tags in Show. Show runs into R-Truth and drops him. Big Slap on the ropes. Show tags in Miz who hits R-Truth with a boot to the face. R-Truth fights back with a corkscrew heel kick to Miz. R-Truth and Show are tagged in. Morrison hits Show with a dropkick and a series of strikes, but Show fights back. Show grabs Morrison while Morrison is on the second ropes, but Morrison locks Show into a modified triangle choke. Show hangs Morrison over the ropes and Morrison refuses to break the hold resulting in a disqualification. The next team is MVP and Mark Henry. MVP hits the ring and immediately covers for 2. Show fights him off and tags in Miz. MVP catches Miz with a snap suplex and a 2 count. Mark Henry is tagged in and nails Miz with a big headbutt. Henry tags MVP back in. Back Suplex from MVP and a series of strikes set him up for the Ballin’ Elbow. He hits the Elbow, but Show breaks up the count. Show nails Henry with a big boot. MVP hits the Playmaker, but Show nails him with the big right hand as he goes for the cover. Miz rolls over to cover MVP for the 3 count. The third team out is the Hart Dynasty. They run out to the ring. Big Boot from Smith and a low dropkick from Kidd drops Show off the apron. They hit the springboard Hart Attack on Miz and cover for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: Since this was really 3 matches in 1, I’m going to give each section a move. For the first it has to be the modified triangle choke (even though it resulted in a DQ for refusing to release the hold.) The second part I’m going to give it to the Boot from Show that dropped Mark Henry. For the 3rd Part, this has to go to the springboard Hart Attack.
Sheamus comes out and says that Triple H can man up and face him, or lose by forfeit, but either way he will win.
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio. If Punk loses, his head will be shaved.
My Prediction: This match is hard to predict, but I expect that Mysterio will pick up the win in this match.
Punk goes after Mysterio to start the match. Punk stomps Mysterio into the corner. Mysterio starts to fight back and catches Punk with a dropkick. Punk tosses Mysterio out of the ring, but Mysterio rolls to his feet and sends Punk into the apron with a head scissor’s takedown. Back in the ring, but Mysterio sets up for the 619. Punk counters and goes for the GTS, but Mysterio fights out. Punk catches Mysterio with a snap powerslam for a 2 count. Punk sends Mysterio out of the ring again, but this time Mysterio lands on the ground. Punk distracts the referee and Serena kicks Mysterio in the ribs. Punk brings Mysterio back into the ring and performs a slingshot senton onto Mysterio. Punk gets Mysterio in a figure four necklock. Mysterio starts to fight back and counters a sunset flip attempt with a roll through and a kick to the temple for a 2 count. Punk starts to fight back and Gallows takes a cheap shot on Mysterio while the referee is distracted. Punk hits a backbreaker on Mysterio for another 2 count. Punk gets Mysterio in a modified bow and arrow hold. Mysterio springs out and covers Punk. Punk fights back and covers Mysterio for another 2 count. Punk hits a series of leg drops on Mysterio. Punk gets Mysterio in a Gory Special. Mysterio finally fights out of the hold. Punk goes for a powerbomb, but Mysterio shifts his weight and covers for a 2 count. Mysterio sends Punk into the middle turnbuckle with a headscissors takedown and goes for a moonsault, but Punk crotches him on the top rope. Punk goes for the GTS, but Mysterio fights back and sets him up for the 619. Mysterio tries to set it up, but gets tripped by Serena and Punk hits Mysterio from behind. The referee ejects both Gallows and Serena from ringside. As they leave, Mysterio takes advantage of the distraction to dropkick Punk out of the ring. Mysterio follows up with a springboard moonsault to the outside. Mysterio rolls Punk into the ring and hits a springboard leg drop for a 2 count. Mysterio hits a seated senton and goes for the springboard crossbody, but Punk catches him with a dropkick. Punk hits a springboard forearm on Mysterio for a 2 count. Punk goes for the GTS, but Mysterio counters to a Huracanrana for a 2 count. Punk gets up and nails Mysterio with a kick to the head. Mysterio sets up and hits the 619 on Punk. A figure appears from under the ring and slides a chair in. The referee sees the chair and goes to remove it. Meanwhile, the same person (who is wearing and SES Hoodie) comes out and nails Mysterio with a reverse powerbomb on the floor. Punk slides out and drags Mysterio back into the ring. Punk picks Mysterio up, hits the GTS and covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: I’m actually going to give this to the reverse powerbomb from the mystery member of the SES.
0 for 1
Up next is Shad and JTG facing off in a strap match.
My Prediction: This match seriously favors Shad, and I don’t really see JTG beating him, so I’m predicting Shad will win this match.
Shad immediately uses the strap to get close to JTG, but JTG wails with blows to Shad. Shad trips JTG with the strap and touches 3 of the corners, but JTG begins to use the strap as a whip. Series of strikes to Shad and JTG touches a turnbuckle, but Shad pulls back and sends him over the ropes. JTG ends up on the outside and fights with Shad using the strap. JTG hangs Shad up on the ropes. JTG touches a corner and hits Shad with a leg lariat. He touches 2 more corners, but Shad grabs him and performs a back suplex lift into a facebuster. Shad drags JTG with the strap and sends him shoulder first into the ring post, then nails him repeatedly in the arm with the strap. Shad begins to touch the ring posts and JTG touches each corner after Shad does (Very reminiscent of JBL facing Batista in a bullrope match on SmackDown.) After touching 3 counters, JTG begins to fight and hits Shad with the Shout Out, and then touches the final corner to win the match.
Move of the Match: Gotta give this to the Shout Out for the win.
0 for 2
Todd Grisham is backstage and says the trainer has said it is doubtful Triple H will compete in his match tonight.
Jack Swagger vs. Randy Orton. Extreme Rules match for the World Heavyweight Championship.
My Prediction: Swagger retains.
Swagger starts out with technical moves and gains the advantage. Orton gets up, but Swagger gets the Dragon Screw and follows up with some wrestling rolling. Swagger slams Orton into the corner. He mounts Orton, but Orton slips out from under him and takes him off the ropes with a back elbow. Swagger tries to clothesline Orton, but Orton ducks and hits his backbreaker. Swagger rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair, but Orton stops him from using it. Swagger slides back into the ring. Orton follows and Swagger slides back out and when Orton follows, Swagger sends him into the ring barrier. Swagger hits a northern lights suplex on the floor. He picks up Orton and sends him into the crowd barrier followed by the ring apron. Swagger rolls Orton back into the ring and covers for 2. Swagger chokes Orton in the corner. Orton fights out of the corner, but Swagger drives him back in and hits him with a series of shoulder thrusts. Swagger hits a snap suplex. Orton starts to fight back, but Swagger hits a belly to belly slam and covers for a 2 count. Swagger hits another snap suplex and follows up with a back suplex. Swagger sends Orton shoulder first into the ring post. Swagger goes out of the ring and gets the Title. He returns to the ring, but Orton cuts him off before he can do anything and hits him with a series of forearm shots. Swagger comes out of the corner with a big slam for a 2 count. He follows up with a scoop slam. Swagger goes for the slingshot splash in the corner, but Orton leaps to hit feet and nails Swagger in the mid section with the title belt. Orton hits a series of clotheslines and a snap scoop slam. Swagger goes out to the apron, but Orton attempts to hit his rope hung DDT. Swagger gets his feet off the ropes and tosses Orton out of the ring. Swagger pulls a trash can out from under the ring, but Orton takes it from him and nails him with it twice. Orton slams Swagger repeatedly into the announce table. Orton hits a European uppercut and sends Swagger into the ring steps. Orton sets up Swagger on the ring steps and stomps on his head. Orton drags Swagger back into the ring and stomps on Swagger some more. Orton goes for the knee drop, but Swagger rolls out of the way. Swagger tries to bring the chair into the ring, but Orton catches him with a boot and this time hits the rope hung DDT. Orton taunts for the RKO, but sees the chair and sets it up in the middle of the ring. Orton sets up to RKO Swagger into the chair, but Swagger counters and drops Orton back first onto the chair. Swagger grabs Orton and hits him with the Gutwrench Powerbomb. Swagger covers Orton to retain the title.
Move of the Match: Lots of great moves, but this has to go to the Gutwrench Powerbomb.
1 for 3
Post match, Orton catches Swagger with an RKO on the outside before making his way up the ramp. As Orton leaves the ringside area, Sheamus comes out. Sheamus comes down to the ring and says that if Triple H won’t come out and face him, he wants the referee to raise his hand as the winner of the match. In the back Grisham says all indications are that Triple H won’t be able to compete, but Triple H comes out and makes his way to the ring.
My Prediction: The cerebral assassin picks up the win in a hard fought match.
Sheamus goes after Triple H with the pipe, but Triple H ducks and drops Sheamus. Triple H clotheslines Sheamus out of the ring and follows up with a clothesline to Sheamus’ back. Triple H slams Sheamus into the announce table and the ring side barrier, and then nails Sheamus with a knee to the back. Triple H sends him into another barrier. Triple H brings Sheamus back into the ring. Sheamus tries to fight back, but is caught with a spinebuster. Triple H goes for the Pedigree, but he can’t get it locked in and Sheamus clotheslines him. Triple H rolls to the outside. Sheamus goes after Triple H on the outside and catches him with a double axe handle. Sheamus sends Triple H into the ring barrier multiple times. Sheamus stomps on Triple H and sends him into the barrier again. Sheamus brings Triple H back into the ring. Sheamus covers, but only gets a 2 count. He hits a knee drop to the back of Triple H’s head. He drops more knees to the back of Triple H’s head and follows up with a knee drop to the face. Tripe H again kicks out at 2. Triple H tries to fight back, but Sheamus catches him with another double axe handle. Sheamus goes to the modified Crossface Chickenwing on Triple H. Sheamus transitions to a chin lock. Triple H fights out and hits a back suplex then rolls out of the ring. Sheamus goes after him and hits a neckbreaker on the floor. Triple H begins to fight out in the corner and sends Orton into the ring post. He catches Sheamus with a DDT, but hurts himself in the process. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse and covers for 2. Sheamus goes after Triple H. He hits a powerslam and covers for another 2 count. Sheamus gets his pipe and brings it into the ring. Triple H blocks the attack. He catches Sheamus with a knee facebuster, but Sheamus follows up with a shot with the pipe. Sheamus covers, but only gets a 2 count. Sheamus sets up for the Pale Justice crucifix powerbomb, but Triple H fights back and tosses Sheamus out of the ring. Sheamus goes under the ring and gets a kendo stick. Triple H catches Sheamus with a drop toe hold sending him into the ring steps. Triple H goes after Sheamus with the kendo stick. Triple H nails Sheamus with numerous shots to the chest and back. He nails Sheamus in the head and goes for the Pedigree on the ramp, but Sheamus catches him with a back body drop on the ramp. Sheamus hits the Pump Kick to Triple H. Sheamus brings Triple H back into the ring and hits a second Pump Kick. Triple H pulls himself back up and Sheamus hits him with a third Pump Kick. Triple H stumbles out of the corner and Sheamus hits him with a fourth Pump Kick, and covers him for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: This has to go to the Pump Kick.
1 for 4
After the match, the trainers try to put Triple H on a gurney, but he gets up and tries to walk to the back. The trainers and referees help him, but Sheamus comes back out and hits Triple H with another Pump Kick. They put Triple H on the gurney and stretcher him out.
In the back, Josh Matthews asks Edge about his mindset for his match. Edge says there are 3 ways to win a cage match. He says Jericho will not escape the cage and he’s not going to try.
Up next, Beth Phoenix challenges for Michelle McCool’s Women’s Championship in an Extreme Makeover Match.
My Prediction: Michelle McCool picks up the win.
Phoenix overpowers McCool early. McCool fights back, but Phoenix uses a unique roll up to earn a 1 count. Phoenix comes out of the corner with a flying clothesline. Layla comes after Phoenix with a broom, but Phoenix gets it. She chases Layla and Vickie saves Layla by distracting Phoenix. Phoenix goes back after McCool, but McCool sprays hairspray in Phoenix’s face. McCool brings an ironing board into the ring. She hits Phoenix with the ironing board and covers for 2. McCool sets up the ironing board on Phoenix and performs a jumping stamp to the ironing board. McCool gets Phoenix in a leg scissors. Vickie and Layla toss McCool an iron. McCool tries to hit Phoenix with the iron, but the cord isn’t long enough and Phoenix rolls up McCool for a 1 count. McCool sets up Phoenix in the corner and sets up the ironing board in front of her. McCool dropkicks the ironing board into Phoenix and covers for 2. McCool throws a fit and looks to bring the ironing board back into the ring, but Phoenix kicks it into her and she hits her head on the table. Phoenix goes after her, but Vickie and Layla hold Phoenix back. McCool tries to spray Phoenix with hairspray, but Phoenix moves and McCool hits Layla and Vickie. Phoenix puts McCool on the table and slams her face first into the table repeatedly. She flips the table dropping McCool onto the ground. Phoenix nails McCool repeatedly with a bucket and covers for 2. Phoenix sets up 2 ironing boards on the mat. She goes for a superplex on McCool, but Vickie and Layla start hitting her with a broom and a mop. While she is distracted, McCool pushes her off onto the ironing boards and covers for a 2 count. McCool sets up for the Faith Breaker, but Phoenix counters. She gets McCool up for the Glam Slam and hits it. Phoenix covers for the 3 count to win the Women’s Championship.
Move of the Match: This was a very interesting match, but the move of the match has to go to the Glam Slam.
1 for 5
Backstage, Josh asks Jericho about his loss to Heath Slater and whether it will affect Jericho’s match. Jericho says one loss won’t affect him. Jericho says tonight he will end Edge’s career.
Up next is the Steel Cage Match with Edge taking on Chris Jericho.
My Prediction: I expect that in the steel cage, Edge finally takes out Jericho and defeats him in the ring.
Jericho appears hesitant to enter the cage and insists the referee ensures Edge stays back. Jericho tries to use a chair to prevent Edge from attacking him, but Edge baseball slides Jericho. Edge brings Jericho into the cage and shuts the cage door behind him. The official signals for the bell as Jericho tries to climb out. Edge attacks Jericho in the corner. Jericho tries to fight back, but Edge catches him with a clothesline. Edge tries to catapult Jericho into the corner, but Jericho uses the momentum to shoot up onto the ropes and climb to the top. Edge catches Jericho by the foot and pulls him back into the cage. Edge tosses Jericho off the top rope. Edge sends Jericho into the side of the cage and presses his head into it. Jericho goes outside the ropes and Edge tries to spear him into the side of the cage, but Jericho moves and Edge goes into the side of the cage. Jericho follows up by dropkicking Edge into the cage. Jericho continues the attack on Edge. Back suplex and Jericho covers for a 2 count. Jericho goes to a chin lock on Edge. Edge fights back and Jericho ends up being slammed into the cage again. Edge nails Jericho with a pair of clotheslines then shoots him off and hits a flapjack. Edge hits Edgecution and it earns him a 2 count. Jericho fights back and hits a running bulldog. He follows up with the Lionsault, but Edge moves and Jericho tries to climb out of the cage again. Edge follows and pulls Jericho to the top rope. Jericho knocks Edge off the rope and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Edge gets to the ropes and uses them to pull himself up. He follows up by sending Jericho into the ropes. The Edge-O-Matic earns Edge another 2 count on Jericho. Edge goes for Edgecution again and Jericho tries to counter into the Walls of Jericho again. Edge kicks Jericho off and catches him with a big boot. Edge sets up for the spear, but Jericho tries to go out the ring door. Edge pulls him back in and the chair is brought into the cage. Jericho pulls the door and slams it into Edge. Jericho starts down the ring steps, but looks at Edge and decides he’s not done. Jericho gets the chair and tries to hits Edge with it, but Edge ducks and comes back with a spear. Edge covers, but only gets a 2 count. Jericho comes back with the Codebreaker and crawls to the cover, but Jericho only gets a 2 count. Jericho covers again, but again only gets a 2 count. Jericho climbs up and gets out so that he’s hanging from the top of the cage, but Edge pulls him back in. They fight on the top rope again and Edge ends up hung up on the top rope. Jericho tries to climb out again, but Edge climbs up and catches his arm so that he can’t escape. The two men trade blows on top of the cage. They come back in and Jericho hits a springboard Codebreaker to take Edge off of the ropes. Jericho covers, but only gets a 2 count. Jericho yells at the referee and tells Edge to stay down. Jericho hits a chop block to Edge’s left leg. He goes after the leg with the chair, but Edge comes back and slams Jericho into 3 of the four cage walls. He sends Jericho into the corner and Jericho again tries to climb out of the cage. Edge knocks Jericho down to the floor. Edge taunts Jericho, letting him crawl toward the door. Edge slams the door on Jericho’s leg. Edge continues the attack on Jericho’s leg. Edge stomps on Jericho’s ankle. Jericho gets up and Edge hits him with the spear. Edge covers Jericho and this time gets the 3 count.
Move of the Match: There were some good moves in this match and Edge’s spear is great, but I have to give this to the springboard Codebreaker.
2 for 6
Up next is the Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship.
My Prediction: Cena picks up the win.
The match starts out with Batista and Cena locking up. Batista goes for a punch, but Cena dodges it and answers with a shoulder block. Batista goes for another punch and takes another shoulder block. Batista gets a chair and brings it into the ring. Batista goes after Cena with the chair, but Cena avoids it. Cena hits Batista with a bulldog out of the corner. Batista gets up and Cena hits him with a fisherman’s suplex. Cena goes after Batista in the corner, but Batista answers with a back elbow. Batista catches Cena with a big clothesline and lets the referee count. Cena gets up at 5, but takes a big kick from Batista. Cena gets up and looks for the Attitude Adjustment, but Batista sends Cena into the ring post. Batista clips Cena in the leg. He follows up with a kick to the leg and then hangs Cena up on the ropes. Batista continues the attack to Cena’s leg and goes after it with a chair. Batista wraps Cena’s leg around the ropes and knees it then follows up with another big clothesline. Cena gets up after 6 and tries to avoid Batista, but Batista catches him and drops him with a suplex. Cena gets up at 7, but Batista catches him with a chop block and goes after the leg. Cena rolls out of the ring, but Batista steps on his head. Cena fights back on the outside. Batista tries to send Cena into the ring steps, but Cena reverses and sends Batista into the steps. Both men get into the ring. Batista takes Cena down and locks him in the Figure Four Leglock. Cena tries to break the hold, but he can’t move Batista’s leg. Cena manages to roll over and Batista breaks the hold. Cena and Batista take each other out with a double clothesline. Cena nails Batista with a pair of shoulder blocks and the spin out powerbomb. Cena hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and looks like he’s going to go for the Attitude Adjustment, but Batista slides out of the ring. Batista pulls out a form of wrench from under the ring and hits Cena with it. Batista sends Cena back into the ring and follows with a chair. Cena fights back and drops Batista onto the chair with the Attitude Adjustment. As Batista tries to get up, Cena climbs to the top rope. Batista gets up at 9 and pushes the referee into the ropes causing Cena to fall. Batista hits Cena with a spear. Both men get up and Batista hits Cena with a second spear. Cena gets up at 8 and Batista takes a shot, then goes out and brings a table out from under the ring. Batista sets up the table in the corner. Cena goes for the STF, but Batista kicks him off through the table. Cena rolls out of the ring onto his feet at 8. Batista picks up Cena and slams him into the ring post. Cena starts to get up and Batista whips him through the barricade into the timekeeper’s area. Batista gets up at 9 and drapes himself across the barricade. Batista tears up the announce table. He sends Cena head first into the ring post and brings the ring steps over by the announce table. Batista sets up for the Batista Bomb, but Cena fights back and drops Batista through the announce table with an Attitude Adjustment. Batista is somehow able to pull himself to his feet using the barricade just before the 10 count. Cena gets a table and brings it into the ring. Batista looks for an Attitude Adjustment through the table, but Batista comes back and hits Cena with a spinebuster through the table. Both men get up before the 10 count. Batista hits the Batista Bomb and tells the referee to count. Cena springs up to his feet at 9 and Batista brings the bottom part of the ring steps into the ring. He looks for a Batista Bomb on the steps, but Cena gets Batista in the STF. Batista repeatedly taps and grabs the ropes, but the referee can’t do anything about it. Cena releases the hold and the referee counts, but Batista is able to make it to his feet before 10. Cena pulls Batista’s legs and racks him on the ring post. Cena grabs duct tape from beneath the ring and wraps it around Batista’s legs. The referee begins the count while Batista tries to free himself from the duct tape. The referee counts to 10 as Cena taunts him. Cena retains the WWE Championship.
Move of the Match: This has to go to the Attitude Adjustment through the announce table.
3 for 7
Extreme rules ends with Cena celebrating in the ring and walking up the ramp while Batista is still duct taped to the ring post.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
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