Lockdown opens with the announcement the Douglas Williams is stuck in the UK and as such has been stripped of the title. They also note that Syxx-Pac and Eric Bischoff are not at Lockdown.
The show opens with Rob Van Dam taking on James Storm for the numbers advantage in Lethal Lockdown. My Prediction: Although I’d like to see RVD win, I predict a victory for James Storm, giving Team Flair the advantage.
Storm appears to be hesitant to enter the cage and RVD dropkicks the door into his face. RVD dominates Storm on the outside slamming him into the cage and the guard rails repeatedly. He drapes Storm across a guard rail and leaps off the side of the cage with a leg drop to Storm. Storm finally manages to gain an advantage by slamming RVD’s head into the ring steps. RVD hits a spin kick to Storm in the corner. RVD sends Storm into the corner, and hits an inverted atomic drop. RVD sets Storm up on the top ring rope and knocks him off with a sidekick off the top rope. RVD goes for his rolling monkey flip, but Storm moves and RVD gets caught up on the ropes. Storm pulls RVD off the ropes and slams him to the mat. Storm and RVD fight and Storm clotheslines RVD over the top rope into the cage. RVD fights back and hits a spinning kick on Storm. RVD and Storm trade blows and Storm gets sent into the cage. RVD hits a front slam and hits the split legged moonsault, but only gets a 2 count. Storm spits beer in RVD’s eyes and nails him with a DDT for a 2 count. Storm misses the Last Call and RVD misses his first kick attempt, but follows up with a spinning kick. RVD goes up top and hits the 5 Star Frog Splash. He covers Storm to earn the 3 count.
Move of the Match: This has to go to the 5 Star Frog Splash for this match.
0 for 1
Christy Hemme is in the back with Hogan and Hogan says that Team Hogan is going to go out to Lethal Lockdown and tear down the house. Christy asks him about Bischoff and he says Eric will be Eric and he’s done worrying about it.
The tag team match has been changed to a four man Xscape match with the winner taking the third spot in the X Division Title Match. My prediction for the tag match was that the Guns would win, so if Sabin or Shelley wins the Xscape match we’ll call the prediction correct, and if Kendrick or Homicide wins, we’ll call it incorrect.
Homicide tries to climb out immediately, but the Guns stop him. Kendrick goes over and tries to stop them from locking the door so he can make an easy exit, but gets caught with a dropkick from one of the guns. Shelley tries to climb out, but Kendrick stops him. Inverted atomic drop from Shelley to Homicide. Dropkick to the knee from Sabin. Shelley holds Homicide’s head, and Sabin hits the low dropkick to the face. Kendrick gets wishboned and a double kick from the guns. Shelley tries to hold Kendrick while Sabin climbs up, but Kendrick kicks him into the ropes causing Sabin to fall. Homicide nails Shelley with a spin kick and Kendrick hits a low dropkick to a grounded Sabin. Belly to belly by Homicide on Shelley while Kendrick chokes Sabin. Homicide gets a camel clutch on Sabin and Kendrick builds some momentum, and then hits Sabin with a vicious slap. Shelley starts to fight back. He catches both Kendrick and Homicide. Sabin hits an enzuigiri on Homicide and Shelley drops back with a DDT on Kendrick and a complete shot on Homicide. Poetry in Motion forearm on Homicide. The Guns follow up with a second Poetry in Motion back elbow driving him into the corner. A kick from Kendrick drops Shelley, but when he goes after Sabin, he ends up taking a springboard tornado DDT. Sabin gets caught with a neckbreaker from Homicide. Homicide goes after Shelley, but Shelley catches him with a knee facebuster. Shelley tries to climb up, but Kendrick catches him. Sabin comes to his aid and they try to set up for Made in Detroit, but Kendrick kicks Sabin off. Sabin goes after Kendrick, but Kendrick hits a big kick to Sabin and Homicide catches Sabin and hits the Gringo Killa. Homicide signals for a double super back suplex on Shelley, but when Kendrick goes to set up, Homicide climbs up the other side and escapes the cage to win.
Move of the Match: This is hard to call, but I’d have to give it to the Inverted Atomic Drop/Dropkick to knee/Inverted STF/Dropkick to face combo from the Guns. For single moves, however, the winner would be the Gringo Killa.
0 for 2
Eric Young taking on Kevin Nash is next. My prediction: Nash picks up the win (possibly off a distraction from the Band or Bubba the Love Sponge.)
EY and Nash trade blows with EY trying to use his speed and Nash trying to use his power. EY hits a missile dropkick on Nash. Nash rolls out to the apron, but when he stands, EY dropkicks him into the side of the cage. EY follows up with a crossbody sending Nash into the cage again. EY goes to set Nash up for a piledriver, but the referee gets in his way. EY pushes the referee aside and Nash nails him with a low blow. EY keeps taunting Nash to bring the fight, but all it does is make Nash madder. EY starts to fight back, but runs into a chokeslam from Nash. EY starts to fight back again, but when he creates distance, he turns around and runs into a big boot from Nash. Nash picks up EY and slams him face first into the cage. Nash hits EY with the Jackknife Powerbomb and covers for the win.
Move of the Match: The Jackknife Powerbomb from Nash.
Post match, Nash says he’ll be Scott Hall’s partner in the match against 3D.
1 for 3
The Beautiful People vs. Angelina and Tara. My Prediction: Angelina and Tara pick up the win to become the new Knockouts Tag Team Champions.
Angelina starts the match with a spear and a series of shots to Velvet. Velvet tags in Madison who gets caught by Velvet and hit with a front slam. Madison hits a jawbreaker on Angelina and Angelina tags in Tara. Tara goes after Madison. Madison rakes Tara’s eyes and tags in Velvet. Velvet gets caught with a drop toe hold from Tara. Inverted STF followed by a suplex. Covers for 2. Velvet fights back and Madison takes a shot from the outside. Repeated shots from Velvet to Tara. Velvet tags in Madison and they hit a double dropkick to Tara’s back. Madison hits her repeated leg scissor facebusters on Tara. Velvet is tagged back in, and Tara starts to fight back. Tara hits a scoop slam and goes for a moonsault, but Velvet moves. Both Angelina and Madison are tagged in and Madison takes control of the match. Angelina sends Velvet in the corner, and then whips Madison into her. Tara tags herself in and hits the Widow’s Peak on Madison. She gets a 2 count and Velvet breaks up the pin. Angelina goes after Velvet and while the ref is trying to separate them, Lacey opens the cage door and nails Tara with one of the belts. Madison rolls up Tara and the referee counts 3. Madison wins the TNA Knockouts Championship.
Move of the Match: This has to go to the Widow’s Peak, even though it didn’t pick up the win for her team.
1 for 4
Post match, Angelina helps Tara up, and turns to walk out. Tara grabs Angelina and slams her into the cage.
JB is backstage with AJ and Team Flair. Flair says this is Hogan’s last night in TNA. AJ says he’s going to beat Pope tonight.
Up next is the X-Division Championship Match. Kazarian vs. Shannon Moore vs. Homicide. I had predicted Williams to retain, so my prediction for this match is completely shot.
The match begins with a double team on Homicide. They shoot him off and hit a double hip toss. Running leg drop from Moore and a springboard leg drop from Kaz. Homicide tries to fight back, but is repeatedly driven into the cage. Kaz goes for the pin, but Moore breaks it up. Forearm to the corner from Kaz and a crossbody from Moore. Moore covers Homicide, but Kaz pulls him off at 2. Kaz and Moore start fighting. Moore shoots Kaz off, but Kaz answers with a sunset flip. Series of pinfall attempts. Homicide comes in and dropkicks Moore into Kaz. Homicide hits a back elbow to Moore and a suplex on Kaz. T-Bone suplex on Moore and Kaz attempts to steal the pin, but Homicide breaks it up. Homicide chokes Kaz on the ropes. Homicide hits a suplex on Moore and attempts to float over into another suplex, but Moore fights back and hits an inverted atomic drop on Homicide. Leg drop and Kaz slides in to try to steal another pin. Moore pushes Kaz away and covers for 2 and a half. Homicide hits a double Gringo Cutter/187 off the top rope. Homicide repeatedly tries to cover both men, but only gets a 2 count on each cover. Kaz rolls up Homicide. Moore tries to break up the roll up, but gets caught with a bridging Northern Lights Suplex. Both men manage to get a shoulder up before 3. Halo from Moore to Homicide for a 2 count. Missile dropkick from Kaz to Moore. Kaz gets a 2 count, but Homicide saves. Jawbreaker from Homicide to Kaz. Kaz and Moore fight on the top rope and Moore knocks Kaz off. Moore hits a moonsault attack on Homicide for a 2 count, but Kaz breaks up the pin. Kaz drives Moore into the cage, first his face, and then his back. Homicide hip tosses Kaz off the top rope, and Moore covers for 2, but Homicide breaks up the count. Moore goes for the Mooregasm Neckbreaker off the second rope, but Homicide avoids it and goes for the Gringo Killa on Moore. Kaz saves Moore and nails Homicide with a kneeling back to belly piledriver. Kaz covers and picks up the 3 count to win the X Division Championship.
Move of the Match: Kazarian’s sick piledriver on Homicide. I’ve seen that sort of move before, and it’s always impressive to watch someone hit any variation of it.
1 for 5
Backstage Pope says that if he wins the title tonight, everybody will stand and declare that “Pope is pimping.”
Team 3D vs. The Band. My Prediction: 3D picks up the win in this match.
Brother Ray says this match won’t be a cage match. It’s going to be a St. Louis Street Fight in which Falls Count Anywhere. The two teams brawl from the start. Nash signals early that he’s going to drop Brother Ray on the ramp with the Outsider’s Edge, but Ray nails him with a back body drop. 3D takes the Band into the crowd. Devon nails Nash with a bottle of Pepsi and Ray hits Hall with a double axe handle off one of the barriers. 3D brings Nash and Hall back to the main area around the cage. Nash hits Ray with a big boot while Hall holds him. Nash and Hall bring Devon into the cage. Nash and Hall take turns holding the door while their partner beats down on Devon. Ray finally brings a chair and slams it into the door causing Nash to release his grip. Ray follows up by slamming the door into Nash’s face, and entering the cage. Nash gets set up in the corner and 3D whips Hall into him. Devon hits a splash on both men and Ray follows up with a splash of his own. Whassup? headbutt on Hall and Devon brings the table into play. 3D on Hall through the table and Devon covers for the 3 count.
Move of the Match: Gotta be the 3D in this match.
2 for 6
Up next is Mr. Anderson and Kurt Angle in action. My Prediction: Seeing as Lockdown would be a great place to end this feud, I see Angle picking up the win.
They announce that this match can only be won by escaping the cage. Anderson and Angle trade blows and Anderson gains the advantage with a dropkick to the knee. Anderson tries to unlock the lock on the cage door, but Angle hits him from behind. Anderson wraps the chain the key is on around his hand and hits Angle repeatedly. Anderson attempts to unlock the door again, but gets caught by Angle and hit with a back suplex. The key is in the padlock and Angle seems to notice it, but he turns to dish out more damage to Anderson. Snap suplex by Angle. Anderson drives Angle into the side of the cage. Angle is busted open and Anderson is targeting the wound. Anderson drops off the ropes, and avoids a counter from Angle, then drops an elbow to Angle’s chest. Following a leg drop, Anderson returns to the cage door. Angle gets up and goes after Anderson again, but Anderson sends him into the cage door. Anderson attempts a piledriver on Angle, but Angle hits a back body drop instead. Angle tries to unlock the door, but Anderson drives him into the ropes. Anderson climbs up to the middle rope, and then decides to move to the top rope, but he takes so much time that Angle springs up onto the top rope and throws him off with a belly to belly suplex. Anderson uses the tape from around his wrists to choke Angle. Angle is able to fight back and hits Anderson with a back suplex. Angle and Anderson trade blows with Angle getting the advantage. Anderson attempts to counter Angle in the corner, but gets caught by Angle and thrown with a belly to belly suplex. Angle goes for the Angle Slam, but Anderson counters and hits a standing Green Bay Plunge. He instinctively goes for the cover, but breaks immediately as he remembers he can only win by escaping the cage. Anderson goes for the Mic Check, but Angle fights out. Angle hits 7 German Suplexes on Anderson. He looks at the cage door, and then turns back to Anderson. Angle locks in the Ankle Lock on Anderson. Anderson fights out and catches Angle with the Mic Check. Anderson crawls to the door and unlocks the padlock. He opens the door, but Angle catches him from behind with the Angle Slam. Angle goes to the door and relocks it. He makes it look like he throws the key, but it could possibly still be in his hand. Anderson tries to pull the chain loose, but he can’t. Anderson tries to climb out, but Angle pulls him back in. Angle hits a German Suplex on Anderson off the top rope. Angle climbs up to the very top of the cage and hits a moonsault off the top onto Anderson. Angle reveals that he has had the key all along and he unlocks the cage door. Angle is about to escape when Anderson flips him off. Angle comes back in, but Anderson hits him with a low blow and the Mic Check. Anderson tries to crawl out the cage door, but Angle recovers and locks in the Ankle Lock. Angle drags Anderson back to the center of the ring. Anderson taps repeatedly, but the referee reminds him that the match can’t end in submission. Anderson fights out sending Angle into the cage. Anderson tries to escape, but Angle chokes him out with the chain from the Warrior Medal. Angle spits in Anderson’s face, stomps on his groin on the way out, and steps out of the cage to win the match.
Move of the Match: Lots of great moves, but this has to go to the insane moonsault off of the top of the cage.
After the match, Angle gets a microphone. He tells the fans they’re great, and announces that he’s going to take some time off to regroup. He says that when he comes back his next goal is winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
3 for 7
Earl Hebner orders Flair to the back for this match. “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles vs. “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero. My Prediction: AJ retains, probably by escaping the cage, but possibly by getting the pin on Pope.
AJ opens the match by aggressively throwing Pope across the ring. AJ and Pope trade control early with a series of technical counters. AJ finally gains control with an arm drag. They return to the technical moves, and AJ tries to slam Pope into the cage, but Pope stops him. Pope counters with an arm drag and follows up with a drop toe hold. Pope avoids a chop from AJ and hits a hip toss takeover. Scoop slam followed by a series of arm drags and Pope teases an elbow shot, but AJ backs into the corner. AJ gets Pope in the corner and hits a pair of chops. Pope answers with a series of punches to Pope. AJ attempts the inverted atomic drop, but Pope avoids it and answers with a clothesline. The two trade blows and Pope hits a combination of elbows. Series of strikes by Pope, but he rushes AJ and AJ moves sending Pope into the cage. More trading shots and a series of counters leads to a dropkick from AJ. Pope begins to fight back against AJ, but AJ catches him and hits a modified shin breaker. AJ continues to target Pope’s knee. Pope starts to fight back, but AJ rakes his eyes. AJ goes for his back flip into an inverted DDT, but Pope moves out of the way, and slams him into the cage. DDT from Pope gives him a chance to recover some. Series of shots from Pope are followed by a back body drop. Pope hits an inverted atomic drop and a flying shoulder tackle. Pope catches and attack from AJ and hits a power slam. AJ hits a thumb to the eye and comes off the top rope with a flying forearm shot. AJ sets Pope up on the ropes. Pope fights him off with headbutts. Pope hits a diving headbutt on AJ. 2 count for Pope. AJ counters a move and hits the PelĂ© kick for a 2 count. AJ hits a backbreaker on Pope, followed by the Superman Splash, but Pope kicks out at 2. AJ goes for a crossbody off the top of the cage, but Pope moves. Pope rolls up AJ, but only gets a 2 count. Pope hits the facebuster variation on the DDE, but only gets a 2 count. Pope goes for a full DDE in the corner, but Pope moves out of the way. AJ grabs a pen from the cameraman. Pope goes after AJ and AJ jabs him in the eye with the pen. AJ hits a discuss clothesline and the Styles Clash on Pope to get the pin and win the match.
Move of the Match: The Superman Splash always impresses, but I’ve got to give this to Pope’s DDE Facebuster simply due to the way it looked and how AJ sold the move.
4 for 8
Backstage, JB tries to talk to Bischoff who has just arrived, but Bischoff doesn’t answer.
Lethal Lockdown Match. My Prediction: With all the build up, I’m pretty sure Team Hogan will find a way to pick up the victory in this match.
Abyss and Robert Roode will start this match. Abyss and Roode trade blows, and Roode begins targeting the injured hip and leg of Abyss. The momentum shifts briefly when Roode runs into a big boot from Abyss. The two trade blows in the corner. Back body drop from Abyss to Roode. Abyss and Roode try to drive each other into the cage and Roode rakes the eyes of Abyss. Abyss drives Roode into the cage to take control. Roode fights back and catches Abyss with a blockbuster off the ropes. Roode is dominating Abyss as the countdown begins. Rob Van Dam comes out to give Team Hogan the advantage. Roode goes after RVD as he enters the ring, but gets caught with a spinning back leg lariat. RVD dominates Roode in one corner and shoots him off into another. Forward roll into a monkey flip from RVD and he follows up with Rolling Thunder. Roode goes into the cage as the clock counts down. Desmond Wolfe comes out to even the odds. Roode low blows Abyss, causing RVD to turn back to Roode. Wolfe enters the ring and dropkicks RVD into the cage. Roode goes after Abyss while Wolfe focuses on RVD. They switch as the clock begins to count down to the next entrant. Jeff Jarrett is the next man out for Team Hogan. Jarrett takes shots at both men and tosses them into the cage. Meeting of the minds between Roode and Wolfe. Jarrett follows up by sending both men into the cage at once. Roode counters a leapfrog attempt by Jarrett and hits a powerbomb. He follows up by catapulting Jarrett into the cage. Wolfe is alternating between Abyss and RVD. Inverted atomic drop from Jarrett to Roode as the clock counts down to zero. James Storm is the next out for Team Flair. Storm takes his time getting to the ring. He enters the cage and immediately spits beer in the face of Abyss. Storm nails Jarrett with repeated shots in the corner, and turns his attention to RVD. Storm drives RVD into the cage, reopening his head wound. Storm then begins biting RVD. Jarrett nails Roode with a flying clothesline, followed by a delayed vertical suplex. The clock has run down and Jeff Hardy should come out to complete Team Hogan, but doesn’t. We go to the back where Hardy is knocked out and Sting is standing over him holding a baseball bat. Team Hogan keeps trying to fight back, but Team Flair keeps getting the advantage over them. Team Hogan finally starts to get an advantage when the 2 minutes run out and Sting comes out. Sting nails each member of Team Hogan that is in the cage with his bat, and then waits for the weapons to be lowered. The top of the cage comes down bringing the weapons into play. Storm grabs a trash can and nails Abyss with it. Wolfe and Roode both grab baking sheets and nail Jarrett and RVD. Wolfe DDT’s RVD onto the baking sheet. Storm goes back up for a steel pipe and after setting a trash can across Abyss’ chest, hits it with the pipe. He follows up with a shot from the pipe on Jarrett. Roode nails Abyss repeatedly with a trash can lid. Wolfe attempts an attack on Jarrett using the handle of an axe, but Jarrett counters, then picks up a trash can nailing Wolfe, Roode and Storm, until Sting finally returns to the action with a baseball bat shot to each competitor. Beer Money Suplex on Jarrett. Jarrett is hanging on the cage door and Storm whips Roode into him, causing the door to open, and causing him to fall out of the cage. Beer Money goes after Jarrett, while Abyss gets Sting’s bat and begins to nail him with it. Abyss tries to chokeslam Sting into a pile of tacks, but Wolfe attacks from behind. Abyss tries again, but Storm comes in and nails Abyss with a beer bottle. Team Flair poses in the ring, when Hardy’s music begins to play again. Hardy comes out with a Kendo Stick in hand. He goes after Beer Money when they come to meet him on the arena floor. Hardy continues the attack on Beer Money on the outside. Jarrett has entered the ring and he hits a guitar shot on Wolfe from the second rope. RVD hits the 5 Star Frog Splash on Wolfe. Sting tries to send Abyss into the tacks, but Sting fights back and chokeslams Sting into the tacks. Hardy climbs up to the top of the cage and challenges Beer Money to come up. Hardy goes after both men with a Kendo Stick and a trash can lid. Beer Money fights back and sets up a table on top of the cage. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Roode. Hardy sets Storm up on the table and sets up a ladder. Hardy climbs the ladder and drives Storm through the table with a dive off the ladder. Everyone is down and Flair comes out to the ring. Flair goes after Abyss and tries to take the Hall of Fame ring from Abyss’ finger. Hogan comes out to deal with Flair. Hogan grabs a bat and threatens Flair. Bischoff runs in and gets between Hogan and Flair. Bischoff takes the bat away from Hogan and pulls out a pair of Brass Knuckles. He teases handing the Brass Knuckles to flair, and then tosses them to Hogan. Flair takes repeated shots with the Brass Knuckles and is tossed into the cage multiple times. Hogan hits Flair again and we see the Flair Flop onto his back, into the tacks! While Hogan is beating down on Flair, Abyss picks up Wolfe, hits the Black Hole Slam and covers for the pin.
Move of the Match: This has to go to Hardy’s diving splash from the ladder through a table on top of the cage.
5 for 9
Team Hogan celebrates in the ring to end Lockdown.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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