Superstars opens with Matt Hardy taking on Carlito with their NXT Rookies at ringside. Hardy gets control early with a hip toss, and then follows it up with his clothesline and bulldog out of the corner. Hardy goes for the Side Effect, but Carlito blocks and drops back driving Hardy into the mat. Carlito targets Hardy’s injured arm. Hardy tries to fight back, but hurts himself when he uses the injured right arm. Carlito charges at Hardy, but Hardy pulls down on the ropes and sends Carlito out of the ring. Hardy hits a double axe handle off the apron, but it’s clear the arm is still hurting him. Superstars returns with Carlito once again in control as he has Hardy in an arm lock. Hardy tries to fight back, but takes a dropkick from Carlito. Hardy keeps trying to fight back, but every time he starts, Carlito goes back after the arm. Back to the arm lock for Carlito. Hardy fights back and gets Carlito down, then goes for an elbow drop on Carlito. Diving elbow to Carlito’s back from Hardy. Hardy hits the Side Effect for a 2 count. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Carlito counters. Carlito goes for the Backstabber, but Hardy holds onto the ropes. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate again, but Tarver climbs up on the apron to distract him. Gabriel pulls Tarver off the apron which distracts Carlito, and Carlito turns right into the Twist of Fate. Hardy covers for the win.
Move of the Match: Lots of great moves by Carlito in dissecting the injured arm, but I’m going to give the move of the match to the Twist of Fate.
Up next, it’s Christian taking on Chavo Guerrero. Technical moves from both men, the Christian takes control with a pair of shoulder blocks. Chavo hits a series of blows and follows up a scoop slam with a slingshot senton attempt, but Christian moves. Chavo charges Christian, and Christian tosses him out of the ring. Baseball slide dropkick on Chavo, and then Christian brings him back into the ring. Missile dropkick attempt, but Chavo catches him and goes for a Boston Crab. Christian tries to block the move and gets under the ropes, but Chavo catapults him up into the bottom rope. On the outside, Chavo slams Christian into the apron. He rolls Christian back into the ring and this time hits the slingshot senton. Chavo gets Christian into a surfboard stretch. When Christian finally starts to fight out, Chavo sends him into the corner. Series of shots in the corner. The referee backs Chavo up and Christian nails him with a big right slap when Chavo comes back into the corner. Tornado DDT earns Christian a 2 count. The two trade blows and Christian gains control. Chavo fights out of the corner, but gets caught with a back body drop when he charges Christian. Christian rides on Chavo’s back, then leaps to the outside to nail the right hand. Diving missile dropkick, but Chavo stops the cover at 2 with his foot on the rope. Chavo tries to fight back, but Christian hits a sunset flip out of the corner for another 2 count. Christian goes for another tornado DDT, but this time Chavo tosses him off. Chavo hits 2 of the 3 Amigos, but Christian avoids the third and hits an inverted DDT. Christian goes for the Killswitch, but Chavo counters and hits the Gory Bomb. 2 count for Chavo. Christian makes his way up to the top rope, but Chavo climbs up and tosses him off. Chavo goes for the Frog Splash, but Christian gets his knees up. Christian hits the Killswitch and covers to move the match.
Move of the Match: Although the Killswitch was impressive and gained Christian the win, I’m going to give this to the Gory Bomb.
Ted DiBiase comes out and once again brags about his father giving him the Million Dollar Title. Ted claims that everyone wishes they could be just like him. MVP interrupts him and says he knows the perfect place Ted can stick all of his father’s money (and the Million Dollar Title) if it’ll fit. Ted DiBiase vs. MVP. MVP gets control early on with a shoulder block, and after a big right hand, Ted rolls out of the ring. MVP comes out to ring side and drops Ted across the barrier, then rolls him back in and covers for a 2 count. MVP floats over Ted in the corner and catches him with a big clothesline. MVP goes for the Player’s Boot, but Ted moves. MVP goes up to the second rope, but Ted pulls his foot off the rope, slamming him to the mat. Superstars returns with MVP fighting out of a headlock. Snapmare from DiBiase is followed up with a boot to the face of MVP. 2 count for DiBiase. DiBiase measures for the punch, but gets hit with a back body drop from MVP. DiBiase takes MVP back down and hits a series of fist drops for another 2 count. MVP manages to regain control and hits the Ballin’ Elbow. DiBiase and MVP trade blows. DiBiase is able to gain control, and hits Dream Street on MVP. DiBiase covers for the 3 count and the win.
Move of the Match: Lots of impressive moves from both, but this title has to go to Dream Street.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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