NXT opens with a replay of some of the major events from the previous weeks of NXT and outlining the 4 factors being taken into account in the voting for rookies. Matt Striker is in the ring and he announces that for the first time ever they will reveal the Pro’s Poll. He brings the rookies out to the ring. Striker repeats the criteria:
1. Win – Loss Record
2. The quality of the opponent
3. Their dedication
4. The It Factor.
They reveal the results of the Pro’s Poll
8. Darren Young
7. Michael Tarver
6. Skip Sheffield
5. David Otunga
4. Heath Slater
3. Justin Gabriel
2. Wade Barrett
And that leaves Daniel Bryan in the #1 slot.
Striker asks Darren Young his thoughts and he says what this says to him is that he needs to step it up. Striker talks to Daniel Bryan who says he knows his win – loss record probably isn’t the best and that Michael Cole keeps telling people that he doesn’t have the It Factor, but there are a lot of guys who look like superstars, but can’t wrestle. Bryan and David Otunga have some words and Otunga says he has more charisma than anybody in the ring. Striker says that in 6 weeks time, the Pros will vote again and starting then, each week, a rookie will be eliminated. The winner will be the WWE’s Breakout star and will receive a championship match at any pay-per-view against a champion of their choosing. He then announces the main event tonight will be a battle royal with the winner host Monday Night RAW next week.
The RAW Pros vs. The SmackDown Pros in an 8 man tag Match. Christian, William Regal, Carlito, and The Miz vs. Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Matt Hardy, and R-Truth. Jericho says that he will not be competing because Edge speared him through the barricade and that Wade Barrett will be taking his place in the match. R-Truth starts it off with a big punch to Carlito. Truth hits a couple of hip tosses and an armbar type move. Truth tags in Punk who continues the attack on the arm. Carlito is able to fight back with a series of kicks on Punk, and tags in Regal. Regal asks Punk to tag in Wade Barrett. Regal shakes Barrett’s hand, then tags in Christian. Christian seems to have an advantage early, but Barrett soon takes control with a series of powerful attacks. Christian fights back and catches Christian with a sunset flip, but Barrett kicks out after 2. Barrett tags in Hardy and Christian tags in Miz. Hardy takes control of the match. Hardy and Miz fight in the corner, and both end up outside the ring. NXT returns from a break with Hardy in the ring with Carlito. Hardy starts to fight back, but Carlito gets him into the corner and tags in Miz. Miz gets Hardy in a sleeper, but Hardy counters with a jawbreaker. Hardy gets the tag and R-Truth goes off. He hits a series of great moves, but gets cause with an inverted ddt backbreaker followed by a neckbreaker. He goes for a cover, but Punk comes in. Miz makes the tag to Regal. Regal beats down Truth in one corner, and then sends him into the other. He drags Truth to his corner and tags in Carlito who gets him in a chin lock. Truth tries to fight back, but Carlito catches him with a dropkick. Christian is tagged in, and he gets Truth in a chin lock. Christian tags in Regal. Regal hits a series of knees and a double underhook suplex. Regal pulls him back into the corner where he tags in Miz. Miz goes for a cover after a suplex, but only gets a 2 count. Truth tries to fight out, but Miz keeps control. Miz hits his corner clothesline and goes for a double axe handle, but Truth counters with a dropkick. Truth tags in Punk and Miz tags in Christian. Christian goes right after Punk and gets control. Series of counters from the two looking for their signatures and finishers. Christian is able to get control and hit a missile dropkick, but Barrett breaks up the count. Carlito comes in and tosses Barrett out of the ring. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Carlito, Regal hits a T-Bone type suplex on Hardy, Truth hits a kick on Regal and sends Miz flying over the top rope. Miz goes after him. Barrett tags himself in, but gets caught by Christian. Jericho interferes by grabbing Christian’s legs while Punk distracts the ref. Barrett picks up Christian and hits him with his finisher. Barrett covers Christian for the 3 count to win the match.
Move of the Match: A lot of good moves in this match, including a series of moves from the pros on one another. Although Barrett’s finisher is nice, I just don’t see it as being as effective as they make it seem. I think I’m going to call Christian’s Missile Dropkick the Move of the Match, because it was at least as good if not better than his usual missile dropkicks, and was quite the impressive move.
They play a video recapping Shawn’s goodbye to the WWE.
8 man battle royal, winner gets to host RAW next week. The other 7 NXT rookies team up and throw Barrett out immediately after the match starts. We return from the break with Darren Young outside the ring. They then show us that Skip Sheffield was eliminated prior to Darren Young. Bryan takes out Tarver, but when Slater tries to take Bryan out, both men go over the top rope, and both men are eliminated. Justin Gabriel and David Otunga are left. Otunga takes control of the match. He hits a series of shoulder tackles in the corner. Gabriel fights back with a series of kicks that includes an enzuigiri. Gabriel seems the opportunity and climbs to the top rope. He hits the 450 splash, but he can’t get Otunga up and over the rope. He finally gets him up and tries to lift him up, but Otunga strikes Gabriel in the face (may possibly have raked the eye). Otunga then tosses Gabriel out of the ring to win the match.
Move of the Match: Without a doubt, this has to go to the 450 Splash. This is one of the most impressive moves ever to be performed in the WWE, and I’m glad someone is using it once again.
Striker comes into the ring. Otunga says he is Mr. NXT. Otunga says everything is going to be A-List and Top Notch at RAW. He also says he’d like 487 Green M&M’s in his dressing room.
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