Impact opens with a replay of the events involving Jeff Jarrett and Mick Foley from last week. This is followed by Jarrett and Hogan talking in Hogan’s office. Hogan tells Jarrett that if he beats AJ, he will be the number 1 contender after Lockdown. Jay Lethal comes in (doing his Macho Man impression) and talks with Hogan. Hogan puts him in charge of the card for tonight.
Bubba the Love Sponge comes out with The Band (Nash, Hall and Syxx-Pac.) Bubba says the Band gets him and he will be interviewing them from now on. Nash asks Eric Young to come to the ring saying he’s going to apologize to EY. Nash offers EY a spot in the band. EY attacks Nash and goes after the band. The three of them team up on him until Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy hit the ring to run them off. Hardy announces that the 6 Man Tag Match will be a steel cage match.
Impact returns with the opening match. Brian Kendrick and X-Division Champion Doug Williams vs. Shannon Moore and Kazarian. Moore knocks Kendrick off the apron and goes after Williams. Kaz is tagged in and takes down Williams. Williams is able to tag in Kendrick. Kaz takes control of Kendrick, but while Kendrick distracts the ref, Williams comes in to attack Kaz. Williams gets tagged back in. Williams takes down Kaz and locks him in a unique necklock to wear him down. Kendrick gets tagged back in and repeatedly chokes Kaz, then gets him in a sleeper hold. Kaz fights out and the two collide. Both men make the tag. Moore takes out both Williams and Kendrick with dropkicks. Moore dodges Williams and hits a diving huracanrana. Moore and Kaz hit a Spinning Heel Kick/German Suplex combo on Kendrick. Moore hits a Somersault Neckbreaker on Kendrick from the second rope. Moore pins Kendrick while Kaz prevents Williams from stopping him. After the match, Moore puts make-up on Kendrick.
Move of the Match: The Spinning Heel Kick/German Suplex Combo was an impressive tag team move, and I think I’m going to have to call it the move of the match.
Bischoff is backstage talking on the phone. We meet his secretary/personal assistant, then Lethal comes in. Lethal shows Bischoff the matches he’s come up with (which consists completely of superstars from the 80’s and early 90’s.) Bischoff tells Lethal to think about the main event, and when Lethal leaves, he tells his assistant to call Beer Money.
The Pope comes out to talk about Lockdown. Pope says that Flair was a boy years ago and it’s time to grow up. He says Styles is nothing more than a “Shadow in the streetlights,” and Pope is the “Godlight of TNA.” Pope says that at Lockdown he will take Styles to the Outer Limits. Pope says that he will have the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Lockdown. Pope says when that happens his congregation will declare that “POPE IS… PIMPING.” Chelsea comes out and says she’d like Pope to help her be a “Ho.” They play with some double entendre, Desmond Wolfe tries to jump Pope, but Pope stops him, then kisses Chelsea and leaves the ring.
They play a video of Samoa Joe. He makes a cryptic statement and the video ends.
Orlando Jordan is lowered to the ring, covered in caution tape. He crawls out of the ring, makes his way to the edge of the Impact Zone where he joins a girl and a guy. This was a rather creepy segment.
JB is backstage with Tara. Tara says the first blood match will be revenge. She says that Daffney took poison, and she is going to make Daffney pay. Daffney attacks Tara, but Tara is able to overpower her and begins to do damage.
After the break, Tara and Daffney are still fighting, and the Referee has started the First Blood Match. Daffney slams Tara into the stage and bites her head. Tara goes after Daffney, almost hitting Mike Tenay and dragging her down the stairs. Daffney chokes Tara with a cable and drags her to the ring. She pulls out a broom and uses it to hit Tara with. Daffney breaks the broom and tries to stab Tara with it. Tara hits the Widow’s Peak. She grabs the toolbox and hits Daffney with it. The referee checks Daffney and announces that she is bleeding. Tara wins the match.
Move of the Match: The Widow’s Peak (pretty much the only real move performed.)
They replay the Jarrett/Foley video package. Now it’s time for Jeff Jarrett vs. AJ Styles. AJ is first to make an offensive move, and seems like he’s going to take control, but instead keeps teasing Jarrett and giving him a chance to fight back. A series of reversals ends with the two once again staring each other down in the ring. Styles looks to be about to takes control, but Jarrett fights back and takes over the match. AJ tries to get out of the ring, but Jarrett goes after him, slams him into the barrier, and then brings him back into the ring. AJ briefly takes control, but misses the flying forearm in the corner and when AJ tries to block Jarrett’s rush, Jarrett catches him with an enzuigiri. AJ finally gets control by going after Jarrett’s legs and goes for the figure four leg lock. Flair holds out his cane to AJ and when AJ grabs it, Flair pulls back increasing the pressure on Jarrett. AJ goes for an enzuigiri of his own, but Jarrett counters and puts AJ into the figure four. AJ turns it over and Jarrett grabs the ropes. Flair starts hitting Jarrett’s hands with his cane so Jarrett won’t have his hands on the ropes. Flair gets ejected from ringside, and AJ goes to argue with Security as they take Flair out. Jarrett comes out, grabs AJ and drags him back to the ring. Impact returns with AJ in control, they show that AJ hit a low blow and an outside dive during the break. Jarrett goes for a crucifix followed by another pinning combination attempt, but AJ counters. AJ repeatedly alternates between a crossface hold and a chinlock. Jarrett finally starts to fight back and hits a big back body drop. A series of reversals by Jeff Jarrett and Jarrett hits a double underhook facebuster on AJ. AJ counters an attack of Jarrett from the top to hit a throw. He hits the springboard forearm, but Jarrett kicks out at 2. Jarrett reverses the Styles Clash into a double leg slam. Flair is back out and while the ref is distracted, Jarrett accidentally sends AJ into him. Jarrett hits the Stroke off the middle rope, but the referee is down outside the ring. Bischoff comes into the ring and tries to nail Jarrett with the guitar, but Jarrett stops him. AJ low blows Jarrett while Jarrett is threatening Bischoff with the guitar. Styles hits the Styles Clash, Bischoff rolls the referee into the ring, and the referee counts 3.
Move of the Match: The Stroke off the middle rope. Had the referee not been down, this move would’ve ended the match giving Jarrett the win.
JB is backstage with EY, Hardy and RVD. EY says that Nash has tied his rope to a sinking ship and that while he, Hardy and RVD are in the business for the right reasons, and the Band are there for the wrong reasons. Hardy and RVD talk about making their way to the top and say that EY is on his way to the top. EY says that Nash should take a look at his partners, then look at EY’s partners and ask himself “Who traded up?”
Bischoff tells Lethal that he will have a match tonight. “The Black Machismo” Jay Lethal vs. Beer Money Inc. Lethal brings the fight to Beer Money, but they quickly take control with the double team. Beer Money hits a big double back body drop on Lethal. He rolls to the outside, but they follow him out and send him into the steps. They hit the Beer Money Suplex, but after, Lethal starts fighting back. Assisted swinging side slam on Machismo and he is down. Storm goes to take a drink from his beer bottle, and Lethal rolls up Roode in a small package for the win. Lethal escapes the ring, and Storm is very mad that they lost.
Move of the match: The assisted swinging side slam. There weren’t too many moves in the match, and this move was quite impressive.
They replay Morgan’s kick to Hernandez from last week and Hernandez being taken out on a stretcher. They state that Morgan will explain his actions next week.
Desmond Wolfe vs. The Pope D’Angelo Dinero. Wolfe takes control early with a cheap shot when Pope makes the mistake of turning his back. Pope starts to fight back, but Wolfe manages to keep control. He gets Pope in a leg lock, but Pope is able to turn it over to reverse the pressure. Wolfe manages to take control again. Pope is finally able to fight back and gain control of the match. Pope hits Wolfe with the Thez Press. Wolfe fights back and gets Pope set up in the corner, but Pope avoids him and hits the uppercut followed by the Outer Limits Elbow Drop. Chelsea distracts the referee. Wolfe pulls out a chain wraps it around his hand and knocks out the pope with it. Wolfe gets the pinfall to win the match.
Move of the match: I’d give the move to Pope’s Elbow Drop. If Pope hadn’t been distracted by the referee being distracted, he would’ve followed up and won the match.
Kurt Angle comes out to the ring. He addresses Mr. Anderson. Angle talks about how he lost control. He says that at Lockdown it will be the two of them one last time in a steel cage one on one. Angle says the match will end with his hands, his face and his body covered with Anderson’s blood. Anderson comes out. Anderson tells Angle that their feud needs to end. He tells Angle that they’re 50/50 and they keep cancelling each other out. Anderson announces a ladder match between himself and Angle for next week’s impact. The winner of the match will have the key to the cage door at Lockdown. Anderson says the better man will not win. He says that Kurt is a better man than he is, but that nice guys always finish last.
As Angle leaves, the Band enters the cage. EY, RVD and Hardy come out to enter the cage. Syxx-Pac hits EY with the door, then the team goes 3 on 2 on Hardy and RVD. The Band brings RVD and Hardy into the ring and Syxx-Pac locks EY out of the cage. The band dominates the two and Syxx-Pac hits Hardy with the Bronco Buster. RVD and Hardy begin to fight back. Rolling Thunder/Extreme Leg Drop combo on Syxx-Pac. Hardy hits a version of Poetry in Motion on Hall, using RVD for the lift. EY climbs up the cage. Syxx-Pac goes after EY, but RVD stops him. Van Dam hits the 5 Star Frog Splash and Hardy hits the Swanton at the same time. The two moves connect with Hall and Nash. EY hits an elbow drop on Syxx-Pac from the top of the cage and they get the pin for the win.
Move of the match: This has to go to the elbow drop. The Frog Splash and Swanton were great, but the elbow drop off the top of the cage was amazing.
Abyss announces the next member of Team Hogan at Lethal Lockdown. Jeff Jarrett comes out to confirm that he is the second member of Team Hogan. He addresses Ric Flair saying that his pent up frustration will all be blown off at Lockdown.
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