Superstars opens with Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust taking on Zack Ryder and Primo. Ryder overpowers Yoshi, but Yoshi answers with a pair of hard chops. Yoshi and Ryder trade attacks and Yoshi hits an arm drag and locks in the arm hold. Yoshi tags in Goldust and Goldust hits an elbow to Ryder’s arm. Goldust hits a series of strikes. He sends Ryder into the ropes and hits an arm drag. Ryder fights back and tags in Primo, but Primo runs into an arm drag and Goldust tags in Yoshi. Yoshi continues the attack on Primo by focusing on his arm. Primo fights back with a knee strike, but Yoshi comes back with a crossbody for 1. Primo goes for a springboard crossbody, but Yoshi moves out of the way. Primo regains control by hanging Yoshi up on the top rope and tagging in Ryder. Ryder continues the attack on Yoshi and tags Primo back in. Primo locks in a reverse chin lock on Yoshi. Yoshi fights out of the corner and tags in Goldust. Goldust hits a pair of clotheslines and his uppercut. He hits an inverted atomic drop and a running bulldog for 2. Goldust hits strikes to Primo in the corner and nails Ryder with a shot as well. Primo hits Goldust from behind and dropkicks him out of the ring. Back from break, Ryder is in control with a reverse chin lock. Goldust tries to fight back, but Ryder takes him down and tags in Primo. Goldust tries to fight back to his corner, but Primo takes a shot to Yoshi on the apron. Primo looks to roll Goldust up and Goldust fights back. Goldust hits a scoop slam on Primo and tags in Yoshi. Primo tags in Ryder, but Yoshi quickly takes him down with a pair of dropkicks. Yoshi hits a spinning kick and goes into a kick combination. He hits a big double chop to Ryder and hits a shining wizard for 2, but Primo breaks up the count before 3. Goldust takes out Primo with a running bulldog and they both roll to the outside. Ryder avoids the double knees in the corner and hits the Rough Ryder for the 3 count and the win.
Move of the Match: I like Yoshi’s kicks and the shining wizard was impressive, but this has to go to the Rough Ryder leg lariat.
They play a promo showing what happened on NXT and Titus O’Neil’s elimination.
They play a promo hyping the debut of Alberto del Rio. Del Rio says he is the only man who does not lie and everyone else are liars.
Up next we have Diva’s action with Nikki Bella taking on Jillian. Jillian says she can’t sing because of the way the Bellas beat her last week. Jillian gains the advantage first with a right hand and pulls Nikki’s hair. She chokes Nikki on the ropes and tosses her across the ring by her hair. Jillian continues the attack and locks in a reverse chin lock. Nikki tries to fight out, but Jillian slams her to the mat. Jillian once again pulls Nikki’s hair. Jillian hits a snapmare and follows up with a kick to the back. Jillian covers for 2. She picks Nikki up and hits a backbreaker. Jillian maintains position for a submission hold across her knee. Nikki fights back with knees to Jillian. Nikki hits a head scissors takedown on Jillian and follows up with a standing monkey flip. She hits a low dropkick and covers Jillian for a 2 count. Jillian fights back and slams Nikki to the mat again. Nikki goes after Jillian in the corner and Jillian sends her out to the floor. Brie goes to check on Nikki and Jillian hits Brie from behind. Jillian slams Brie’s head into the apron. Nikki and Brie both roll under the ring. Nikki rolls back out and tries to get into the ring, but Jillian knocks her off the apron. Brie (who has yellow circles on the bottom of her wrestling boots that Nikki didn’t have) suddenly slides in from the side and rolls up Jillian for the 3 count to steal the win.
Move of the Match: I really want to give this to the monkey flip followed by the low dropkick from Nikki to Jillian.
They replay the attack by Nexus on the WWE Legends last Monday.
They follow up with a Money in the Bank promo.
Tonight’s main event is Christian vs. Curt Hawkins. Hawkins gains control early, but Christian comes back with a big slap. He follows up with a drop toe hold and starts to work on Hawkins’ arm. Hawkins fights back and sends Christian off, but Christian comes back with a jumping knee. Hawkins rolls out of the ring, but gets caught with the dropkick from Christian. Christian and Archer have a stare down at ringside. Christian goes up top and hits a crossbody on Hawkins, but only gets a 1 count. Hawkins fights back and sends Christian out to the floor. Archer threatens to attack Christian, but the referee spots him and sends him to the back. Back from break, Hawkins is still in control. Christian fights back, but Hawkins catches him with a powerful knee. Hawkins hits a few kicks and covers for 2. Hawkins continues the attack to the midsection. Christian fights back, but Hawkins counters the Tornado DDT out of the corner. Christian fights back and hits a variation of Edge’s Edge-O-Matic for a 2 count. Christian hits Hawkins with a big slap and catches him with an inverted facelock backbreaker. Christian looks for a springboard crossbody, but Hawkins slams him to the mat and hits a big body slam for 2. Christian fights back with another big slap and goes up top. He hits the missile dropkick for 2. He goes up top again, but Hawkins dodges the crossbody and covers for 2. Christian catches Hawkins with his pendulum kick and hits the flying uppercut. Hawkins tries to fight off the Killswitch, but Christian hits and gets the 3 count.
Move of the Match: Both men were impressive, and although I liked Christian’s moves, I have to give this to Hawkins’ knee strike from early on.
Friday, July 2, 2010
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