Wednesday, June 9, 2010

NXT 6/8/10

NXT opens with highlights of the Rookies from Season 1 attacking last night and destroying everyone and everything in their path. The Pros come out and introduce their Rookies. Miz says that Alex Riley will be the next WWE Breakout Star. Morrison says his Rookie, Eli Cottonwood, is definitely the tallest. Cody Rhodes doesn’t sound to impressed as he introduces Husky Harris. Team LayCool comes out and introduces Kaval as the Rookie they’ve all been waiting for (even though Layla had to ask how to say his name). Kaval also has to carry LayCool’s championship belts. Mark Henry comes out and says that his Rookie, Lucky Cannon is Lucky. Kofi Kingston introduces Michael McGillicutty. Kofi doesn’t seem to have much of an opinion on his Rookie yet. MVP comes out and introduces “Showtime” Percy Watson. MVP tries to calm Percy as they come down the ramp. Zack Ryder comes out and introduces his new Bro, Titus O’Neil. Striker announces that this season the Rookies’ evaluation will be 50 percent by the Pros, and 50 percent by the WWE Universe. Season 2 will only be 12 weeks long, so the first Pro’s Poll will be in 3 weeks and in 6 weeks, we will have the first elimination.

John Morrison and Eli Cottonwood vs. Zack Ryder and Titus O’Neil is up first. Morrison and Ryder start out. Ryder backs Morrison into the corner and slaps him. Morrison fights back and hits a forearm on Ryder. He tags in Cottonwood and Ryder goes back and tags in O’Neil. Cottonwood gets a side headlock on O’Neil. O’Neil shoots him off and Cottonwood catches him with a shoulder block, but O’Neil is barely fazed. Ryder distracts Cottonwood and Cottonwood takes a swing at him, but he turns around and gets taken down with a shoulder block from O’Neil. O’Neil covers for 2. He taunts Cottonwood, but gets caught with a kick to the gut. Cottonwood sends him to the corner and hits a running clothesline. He tags in Morrison who comes in with a slingshot into a corner dropkick. O’Neil rolls out of the ring. Back from break, Ryder has Morrison in a side headlock. Morrison fights out and hits a big clothesline on Ryder. He follows up with a spinning kick and covers for 1. Ryder tags in O’Neil who gets caught with a kick from Morrison. Morrison covers, but Ryder breaks up the count. Cottonwood comes in and sends Ryder out with a big boot. Morrison hits Starship Pain on O’Neil and covers for the 3 count.

Move of the Match: There were some good moves. Cottonwood has some intensity and O’Neil has some serious power. I still have to give this to Morrison with Starship Pain because neither Rookie had any standout moves.

After the match, Morrison says Cottonwood held his own tonight. Miz says that Cottonwood had an opportunity to impress, but they didn’t.

They show a promo for Alex Riley. He says his mother was Miss Virginia and his father was a New York Jet. Riley says he’s a rare breed and they might as well call NXT Alex Riley and the 7 Dorks.

Up next is MVP and Percy Watson taking on Cody Rhodes and Husky Harris. Watson wants to start out and MVP lets him. Rhodes catches Watson with a shoulder block. Cody gets an arm lock on Watson and goes to a side headlock. Watson backs Rhodes into the corner and Cody turns it around. Watson shoots over in the opposite corner and hits a clothesline on Cody. Cody fights back with a jawbreaker and Harris asks to be tagged in, so Rhodes obliges. Harris goes after Watson and backs him into the corner with some punches. Harris hits a 3 point stance running splash into the corner and follows up with a gutwrench suplex. Rhodes demands Harris tag him in. MVP takes a shot at Rhodes from the apron, but Rhodes avoids it and hits a suplex on Watson for a 2 count. Back from break, Rhodes is still working on Watson. He hits the running knee drop and stomps on Watson’s midsection. Rhodes tags in Harris. Harris hits a series of shots on Watson. Harris hits a scoop slam and follows up with a huge jumping back senton and covers for 2. Watson makes the tag to MVP and MVP hits a series of shots and follows up with a clothesline and a back elbow. MVP hits his knee facebuster and a scoop slam. MVP hits the Ballin’ Elbow and waits for Harris to get up. Rhodes goes up top and Watson signals to MVP. Rhodes goes for a crossbody, but MVP answers with a kick to the gut. MVP tags in Watson and Watson hits a float over DDT on Harris for the 3 count and the win.

Move of the Match: Harris’ senton onto Watson was great, but this has to go to the vicious float over DDT from Watson to Harris.

After the match, Rhodes says that Harris looks like a member of his family, and everyone in the audience. Rhodes says Percy Watson is already a great athlete and his work will be more impressive than MVP’s when he molds Harris into the next breakout star. MVP says Watson got himself into some trouble, but he worked his way out of it. MVP points out that Watson warned him about Rhodes and says he thinks Watson is ready for Prime Time.

They play a promo for Michael McGillicutty. McGillicutty says he is wrestling royalty. He identifies his grandfather as Larry “The Axe” Hennig and his father as “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig. He says that he would describe his in ring style as “intense.” McGillicutty says he’ll bring “ruthless aggression” back to the WWE.

The Pros and Rookies are in the ring again. They replay the attack from last night (wasting our time with all nearly 15 minutes of it). Striker asks the Rookies about their thoughts on the attack.
Kaval says it is unbelievable, but that is how you make a statement in the WWE.
Lucky Cannon says it was cowardly, but he agrees with Kaval that that is the way to make a statement.
Husky Harris says he doesn’t agree with what they did, but he doesn’t care because he’s only here to win NXT.
Alex Riley sneezes into the microphone and says he must be allergic to Matt Striker.
Percy Watson says that it wasn’t appropriate and that if you want to fight a man you fight him one on one.
Eli Cottonwood says he thinks Cena deserved it.
Titus O’Neil says Season 1 should come out and try that with 1 of the Season 2 Rookies. He also says that if you want to fight you should fight. He addresses Ryder and says that if Ryder pushes him again, Ryder will have to answer.
Michael McGillicutty says that Season 1 made a huge impact and that’s all that matters.
Striker welcomes the Rookies to the WWE. The Pros then proceed to attack the Rookies and toss them out of the ring one by one. The Pros stand tall in the ring to end the show.

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